"What the fuck happened here?", Adam said as they dragged out the bodies in the open.

Everyone's mind automatically went to link up today's deal and murders. But no matter how hard everyone tried to wrap his head around it, they couldn't sort it. The girl and two dead bodies likely seemed to be two separate events and no one could have imagined in his wildest dream that the little girl was the culprit.

Arsenio Ishiko threw a casual glance at the bodies.

Silted throat, short wound that skillfully cut at the right point-means high chances of it to be a small dagger. The man stabbed at his back, his wound could be used to predict the daggers length.

Through the corner of his eye he looked at girl and it was roughly the same length..

The blood still had not dried meaning it must not have been too long. Then he directly looked at the girl.

Could this really have been this girl?

The girl still stood her place with impermeable eyes. Her face gave off nothing.

How could someone be so calm in her state?

Arsenio Ishiko stepped towards her. She stiffened. She was ready to attack at any moment with the dagger she assumed she was successfully hiding.

He grazed his thumb across her face. His hand was warm against her cold skin and it welled her with peculiar sensation.

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