​ After the lecture Jamie realized that the only person she saw was Professor Hutchings. He approached her and asked her if she could help him in a project he was working on. At first she started toward his office and the hair on her neck stood up and she got scared so she ran into Professor Winters' office where she came face to face with two very good size dogs growling at her showing their teeth. She saw they had large fangs and tried to back out into the hall when professor Winters was standing behind her with a shringe.

​ Professor Winters injected her with something that knocked her out.Professor Winters started to drain her blood by putting an IV into her arm then draining her blood into bags when Professor Hutchings called the police and repoted his suspicion to the police. Erin's unit responded immediately to the college and rushed into Professor Winter's office . They had to shoot and kill the two dogs. They arrested Professor Winters Jamie was taken to the hospital. She had to stay and receive.blood. The knockout drug wouldn't leave any lasting effect on her.

​ When Erin's unit got the warrant to search her house they found various diffent breeds of dogs that had been mixed and was drinking human blood to make them mor vicious. The veternarian in charge stted that all of these dogs would have to be put down. While questioning Professor Winters all she would say was that she was training and breeding them for a group of terriost that wanted to use the dogs as weapons against people.