She threw her hands up in the air as she walked her cute little ass down the hall to finish getting ready.

“What’s a cake tasting?” Lucy called over from the living room where she and Piper were playing Mario Kart on the Wii.

“I have no idea, Lucy.” I sighed and walked over to the living room, sitting on the couch next to Piper. “Apparently we’re gonna try a bunch of different kinds of cake and pick one for Lauren’s wedding since she can’t do it herself.”

“Because she’s in Italy?” Lucy asked, not taking her eyes off the screen.

“Exactly,” I responded, watching their faces as they continued playing. Their eyes were wide, completely enthralled with their game, Lucy’s little tongue darted in and out every time she pressed a button, and Piper leaned her whole body left and right with each turn. “Can I jump in with you guys?” I asked, sitting in the big chair.

“Sure!” Lucy jumped up and ran over to the TV to reset the game, while Piper shoved a remote in my lap. They both came and squeezed in on either side of me.

“Your mouth is hanging open.” Kacie laughed.

I hadn’t even heard her walk up behind me, I was too busy getting my ass kicked in the go-kart game by two pint-sized juice box addicts.

“I was concentrating, these two are really good.” Standing up, I dropped the remote on the table and held my hand out to high-five each girl. “Rematch later?”

They slapped my hands and peeked around me, still playing their game.

“You ready?” I smiled at Kacie, my eyes raking up and down her outfit. She had on a pale pink button down shirt and a black, fitted, knee-length skirt. “Wow, I am underdressed, huh!”


She raised her eyebrows and grinned. “Just a little.”

“That’s okay, I’m going for comfort. You might regret that tight skirt by the end of the afternoon.” I made sure the girls’ eyes were still glued to the TV before I reached over and pulled Kacie in for a quick, tight hug behind their backs. I growled in her ear. “I won’t mind watching you walk around in it though.”

She giggled and called down the hall, “Mom, we’re gonna go, okay?”

Sophia walked into the kitchen with Fred. “Have fun … pick something yummy.” She walked up and kissed Kacie’s cheek, giving my arm a squeeze as she went by.

Fred came over and shook my hand, then scooped the girls up off the couch and carried them into the kitchen, plopping them on the island.

Kacie walked over and wrapped her arms around both of the girls’ shoulders, pulling them in for one big hug. “Love you two, so so much. See you later, okay?”

She turned and smiled at me and I stepped in behind her on the way out of the kitchen.

“Wait, Brody!” Lucy called when we were almost to the doorway. I turned to face her and she opened her arms wide; Piper copied her.

I glanced at Kacie, whose wide eyes made me nervous to push her boundaries, but I also couldn’t tell those two no. Walking over, I enveloped their tiny bodies in my arms and squeezed hard, making them giggle and squeal that they couldn’t breathe.

“See you later, twinkies.” I waved on our way out the door.

After a quick car ride to the next town over, we pulled up to a tiny, yellow house with a white picket fence. ‘The Great Cakery’ was stenciled on the large picture window in front.

“This is it?” I asked, surprised.

“Yep, this is the place to go for wedding cakes.” She smiled at me as she hopped out of the truck before I could get around to open the door for her.

A bell rang above our heads as we walked through the large, stained-glass blue door as a woman in her mid-fifties came over to greet us. She was a short, chubby woman who radiated as much pleasant energy as anyone I’d ever met. I didn’t even know her name yet, and I already liked her. Frosting smudges of every color were smeared across her white apron.

“Hi there. You must be Kacie?” she said as she reached out and took Kacie’s hand in both of hers. “I’m Pearl, so nice to meet you.”

“Hi Pearl, nice to meet you too. This is my boyfriend, Brody. I brought him to help me make a decision.”

Her eyes met mine as she directed her cheerful grin my way. “Hi Brody … wait. Brody Murphy? Number 30 for the Minnesota Wild? Best goalie in the league? Two-time NHL MVP?”

I smiled politely. “Yes, ma’am. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Oh my God.” She giggled nervously. “I’m a huge fan. My husband and I are season ticket holders, have been for years.”

“Well, I thank you for that. Once the season starts, you’ll have to get in contact with me. I’d love to give you and your husband a special tour around the stadium.”

She snorted with excitement. “Oh my, I’d love that. Wow. Thank you.” Her eyes darted back and forth between me and Kacie while she wrung her hands, all flustered. “This is such a pleasant surprise. Lauren called last week and explained her situation to me, that you’d be coming in her place, but I had no idea Brody Murphy would be coming with you.”

Kacie looked away, smirking at Pearl’s excitement.

“I don’t think she knew. We’re excited though, I even wore my elastic pants.” I grinned at Pearl, and her face flushed.

Kacie’s head snapped back to me, her eyes bulging out of her head as her hands flew over her mouth, barely able to contain her laughter.

“Well, come on back and we’ll get you all set up.” She motioned for us to follow her.

Kacie poked me hard in the side, still chucking. “I can’t believe you just said that. Elastic pants, really?”

“It’s true,” I defended myself. “And I am excited—this might be the best day ever.”

Pearl led us to a large room through the back door, right next to the kitchen. A table with four chairs sat in the middle, and built-in shelves full of framed pictures of wedding cakes lined the wall to our right.

Kacie and I sat down at the table while Pearl strolled over and took an oversized binder off the bottom shelf. She set it down in front of us and said, “Here, take a look at this while I get the first plate ready. Lauren already picked the outside, but it just gives you an idea of what we have. I’ll be right back.” She stopped by the doorway and turned back to us quickly. “What can I get you to drink? Some people like milk, while others prefer water.”

“I’ll have milk, please.” Kacie smiled courteously.

“Two, please.”

Kacie cracked open the binder as Pearl disappeared around the corner. I watched her eyes flutter excitedly around the pages filled with pictures of big white cakes that had fake flowers trailing down the sides.

“Are those diamonds?” I asked, gawking at a picture that caught my eye.

“Not real ones, they’re edible. Amazing, huh?”

I turned up my nose and leaned in close to her, not wanting Pearl to overhear me. “These are all too white. Where’s the color? The excitement?”

“These are wedding cakes—they’re supposed to be elegant, not exciting.”

I walked over to the shelf and grabbed a different binder. “This one looks better.” It was full of birthday cakes, retirement cakes, engagement cakes … every type of cake you could think of.

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