Finally, Riley took us across a huge parking lot and through the doors of a smaller, though still impressive, building. Nero’s Garden Hotel and Casino, the sign read as we approached the front. A pair of marble lions guarded the entrance, though I saw someone had drawn a tiny mustache below one lion’s nose. Then the doors slid back, and we stepped into a brightly lit lobby with green tile, fake marble columns lining the room and statues of half-naked Greek people in alcoves along the wall. A huge check-in desk ran the length of the back wall, and off to the side, through a fake marble arch, the casino floor buzzed, twinkled, chimed and flashed like a sprawling neon circus.

“Well, here we are,” Riley said with false grandeur, and offered a sarcastic grin as he gestured to the glittering casino. “Welcome to Vegas.”


From the air, the city looked like an island of stars in the center of a black void.

“Can I get you anything before we land, sir?” the flight attendant asked, showing perfect white teeth as she smiled down at us. Or, more accurately, at me. At my side, Mr. Smith didn’t look up from his phone, and across from us, Mr. Roth made a vague gesture with his hand, waving her away. I made a point of returning the smile as I shook my head.

“No. Thank you.”

“Of course, sir.” The human regarded me through lowered lashes. “Please, let me know if you need anything.” She wandered toward the back of the jet, where a second attendant glared at her with stony eyes.

Mr. Roth chuckled.

“Do you see your protégé, Mr. Smith?” the VP said, as my trainer put his phone away and looked up. “You’ll have to keep a closer eye on him. If we’re not careful, we’ll have humans clawing each other’s eyes out for his attention.”

I stayed quiet, not knowing if this was praise or a reprimand. Mr. Smith gave a small laugh that could have meant anything, but he didn’t comment. I took a furtive breath and settled back in the plush leather seat, trying to calm my nerves. Normally by this time, my trainer would be going over Talon rules and protocol, grilling me on etiquette, making sure I knew what I was doing. But he couldn’t now, or he wouldn’t, not in front of Mr. Roth. There were no other passengers on Talon’s elite private jet; it was just the three of us. My trainer, one of Talon’s senior VPs and me. A sixteen-year-old hatchling who was keeping company with some of the most powerful dragons in the organization. A hatchling who, just yesterday, had been standing outside the door of an office in Los Angeles, waiting to be acknowledged.

* * *


“I believe we found them, sir,” I’d announced, when Mr. Roth finally waved me into the room. I stepped through the frame, closing the door behind me. “We think they’re in Vegas.”

The VP arched one slim, elegant eyebrow at me over his desk. “Vegas, you say,” he repeated. “That’s…unexpected. One of our biggest operations is in Vegas. That Cobalt would flee there is unusual.” His gaze sharpened, brows drawing together. “How did you come to this conclusion, Mr. Hill?”

I handed him the folder Mist had given me; her report and the satellite pictures of the Order chapterhouse sat inside. “We’ve been monitoring St. George ever since Ember and the rogue broke into their western chapterhouse, sir,” I said, as Mr. Roth flipped it open. “We believe St. George is looking for them as well, and recently, we’ve seen a lot of Order activity in and around Las Vegas. They appear to be converging on the city. We think Ember and the rogue are hiding somewhere close, maybe near the Strip.”

“I see.” Mr. Roth closed the folder and laced his hands under his chin. “Reign’s territory. Of course, they would have to make this complicated.”

My heart beat faster. Ember was in Las Vegas, I could feel it. Just a few hours’ drive away, in the middle of a huge, dangerous city with St. George closing in on all sides. “Sir,” I began, “if Ember is in Vegas, I believe I should be the one to bring her back. If we can find her, I would like to go. She’ll listen to me. I just need to talk to her.”

And if I can bring her back, Talon will know how valuable I am to the organization.

“Of course, Mr. Hill.” Roth glanced up at me and smiled. “Of course you are going to retrieve your sister, that was never a question. However, there are protocols that we must observe, if we want the best chance of finding Ms. Hill and Cobalt. Before we do anything in Las Vegas, there is someone we must speak to first. I’ll arrange the meeting.”

* * *

Mr. Roth hadn’t wasted any time. I’d been driven back to my apartment with orders to pack for a few days’ trip, and this morning I’d been taken to a small airport, where Mr. Smith, Mr. Roth and a private jet awaited me. Everything had happened so quickly, I hadn’t had time to reflect or feel nervous, until now.

Crossing my legs, I leaned back, affecting a pose of professional nonchalance. This anxiety wasn’t like me, but everything, it seemed, hinged on bringing Ember back. Everyone is watching you, Dante, I reminded myself. Talon is watching you, even closer than they did in Crescent Beach. This is your chance to prove yourself. To start building a future in the organization, to do great things for Talon. You have to impress them. You have to do better than anyone expects.

“Sir,” I ventured, making Mr. Roth glance up and raise an eyebrow at me. “Our contact in Las Vegas—his name is Reign?”

“That is correct,” Mr. Roth replied.

“Is there anything I should know about him?” I went on, careful to keep my tone deferent. “Anything special I should be aware of before the meeting?”

“Ah yes, our good friend Reign.” Roth smiled, though his tone was brittle. “Only know that he is one of the oldest dragons in the organization,” he said, making my stomach drop to my toes. “He was around when the Elder Wyrm rose to power, so that should give you an idea of who you’re dealing with. He is also very, shall we say…old-fashioned? He prefers things a certain way, and the Elder Wyrm allows him his small idiosyncrasies. He is crucial to the organization, as most of Talon’s assets in Las Vegas come through his casinos, but Reign himself can be…challenging to deal with.” Mr. Roth gave me a scrutinizing look and leaned back in the seat. “My advice to you, Mr. Hill? Be polite. Reign is loyal to the organization and will not risk the Elder Wyrm’s wrath, but he is not fond of having other dragons in what he considers his territory. It is always good to be cautious when dealing with self-proclaimed kings.”

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