Meg laughs and snaps the baby’s jumper back in place, all clean and happy. “There, all done.”

Liv smiles and leans her head on Meg’s shoulder when Meg lifts her off the floor.

“This is our secret,” I tell her. “Luke will never let me live it down if he finds out that I couldn’t change her diaper.”

“It’s fine.” Meg waves me off and hands me the baby. “Have you fed her?”

And, as if on cue, Liv burps, spitting up whatever she had for lunch.

“I’m so not having kids,” I mutter.

“Good call,” Leo agrees and offers me his fist for a fist bump.



“Thanks again for coming to help.” I lean on Meg’s Range Rover and offer her a grin.

“You got me here under false pretenses.” She glares at me and then laughs, shaking her head. “You both looked ridiculous.”


“Yeah, maybe no kids for me.”

“You’d do great.” She shrugs and grins, her dimple showing. “Looks like things are going better.”

I just nod and step back from the car, pushing my hand through my hair. “Yeah, things are better.”

“Good. I’m going back to bed.”

“Okay, get some sleep.”

She grins wider, and I have the feeling she’s about to say something that I really don’t want to know.

“Will’s home. I’m going back to bed, but not to sleep.”

“Stop saying shit like that, Meg. I mean it.” She laughs and pulls away from the curb, waving as she merges into traffic.

And now that I have visions of my sister shagging Will Montgomery, I want to poke out my mind’s eye with something sharp and hot.

I turn back toward the building just as Luke and Natalie return and park. As I approach them, Luke’s gaze is on me, not friendly, and I feel the bro talk coming on.

“Hey baby, you go on up and get Livie. Tell Sam I’ll call her later.”

“Okay. See you later, Leo.” She waves and walks into Samantha’s building. Luke watches her until the glass door closes behind her.

“How is she?” I ask him.

“She’s great, baby’s great, now let’s get down to it. What the fuck, man?” He crosses his arms over his chest and scowls at me. I glance around us, watchful of anyone with a camera or phone pointed this way. The last thing we need are photos posted on the internet of Leo Nash and Luke Williams having it out on a street in Seattle.

“Look, Sam’s great…”

“I know, I’m her motherfucking brother.”

“What’s your problem?” This is more than brother overprotection. “You know I’m a good guy.”

“You’re a celebrity. Sam has been hurt by this industry enough.”

“What are you talking about?”

“That’s her story to tell.” He shakes his head in frustration and paces away. “Your lifestyle isn’t for her.”

“Sam is a grown woman, Luke. She can make her own decisions. You and I both know how damn smart she is.”

“You will hurt her, and I’ll be damned if I sit by and watch.” His index finger is pointing at me, and he’s pissing me the fuck off.

“I’ll fucking protect her. Luke, my band members have wives and families…”

“Is that what you want with her?” He asks sarcastically. “The womanizer Leo Nash wants a family?”

Fuck you, asshole. You don’t know what I want.

“I’m crazy about her, dude. If you think I’ll let anything hurt her, you’re nuts.”

“You can’t protect her from this business, and you know that. You should leave her alone now, before it goes any further.”

“I will do everything to keep her safe,” I repeat, my jaw aching from being clenched so tightly. “I’m not going to stop seeing her.”

Luke watches me rub my chest, where an ache at the thought of not seeing Sam anymore has taken up residence, just shakes his head and sighs. “I can’t believe she’s doing this again,” he whispers. But before I can ask him what the fuck that means, he follows it up with, “I’m telling you, when you’re done with her, she’ll be a wreck. It took her years to recover from last time, and I don’t know that she could do it again.”

What the fuck happened?

“Ready?” Natalie asks as she comes out of the building, holding Liv on her hip. The baby’s face lights up at the sight of her daddy.

“Yeah,” Luke responds and watches me thoughtfully as Natalie settles Olivia in her car seat. “You better protect her, Nash, or I’ll fucking kill you.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Chapter Nine


“Ms. Williams, your references are impeccable, and your credentials are spot on. We’d love to have you come down to L.A. to meet with us and the other editors to see if this would be a good fit for all involved.”

“Thank you, Mr. Foss.” I grin into the webcam on my Mac and the handsome man on the other end smiles in return. “I’d like that.”

“Would next week work for you?”

“Yes, I believe my calendar is open next week.” I’m bouncing up and down on the inside, but manage to remain calm on the outside.

“I’ll have my assistant email with the travel arrangements. I look forward to meeting you in person. Have a good week, Ms. Williams.”

“Thank you, and likewise.”

The screen goes black as Mr. Foss disconnects the Skype chat and I sit back in my chair, chewing on my lip.

I need new interview clothes.

Shopping helps me think. It may sound stupid, and my brothers tease me incessantly, but roaming through racks and racks of clothes and shoes helps me clear my head.

So I throw on a jacket and grab my handbag and set out for the shopping district.

I don’t live far.

One of the reasons that I chose to buy this condo was the convenience of being downtown. It was close to my old job, shopping, the market, and I love being in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the city.

I’m a city girl.

I push my way into Nordstrom; the heat from inside the store is a deep contrast to the cold weather outside. I make my way to my favorite section of the store, the underwear, and let my mind wander.

L.A.  Do I want to move to L.A.?


But I desperately need a job. I have a mortgage and a car and a life to pay for. I’m blessed with a healthy savings, but it won’t last forever.

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