Something slammed Jessica in the face. Pain streaked through her right cheek and eye. She stumbled into the wall, her arm raised defensively. Someone grabbed two handfuls of her hair and slammed her into the wall, then dragged her face down to the floor.

“Ain’t so high and mighty now, are you, bitch?” a female growled at her.

Jessica swept her legs to the side, catching her attacker’s ankles and sending her flying. Unfortunately, she still had a strong hold on Jessica’s hair. Jessica cried out and grabbed the woman’s wrists, squeezing until she finally released her hair. Jessica shoved her away and climbed to her feet. Her face throbbed in pain, but she was too pissed to care.

“What is wrong with you?” Jessica bellowed. It was the same woman who had bragged that she was going to f**k Sedric Lionheart after the concert. Jessica had already put the stupid bitch in her place once. When the tramp had stormed off, Jessica had assumed that would be the end of it.

“I sucked that roadie’s c**k for nothing,” the woman said, launching herself from the floor in Jessica’s direction.

Racing down the hall, Sed caught the woman around the waist just before she careened into Jessica. “What in the hell is going on here?” he asked, his eyes searching Jessica’s face. “What happened to your cheek?”

“She sucker punched me. I didn’t even see it coming.” Jessica felt pretty ridiculous, actually. If she hadn’t been so worried about Sed partying like a rock star, she might have blocked her attack.

The lead singer of the opening band, Kickstart, staggered out into the hall from the dressing room. “Whaz… whaz goin’ on out here.” He blinked hard and opened his eyes wide when he noticed Sed. “Ah, it’s bloody Sed. Right-o. Only got yerself two honeys tonight? I got a couple… hic!… a couple to spare if yuh need s’more.” He leaned against the wall and let his dark eyes drift up and down Jessica’s body. “I’ll trade you ten of mine for this one ’ere, though.” He belched and scratched his balls.

As if!

Sed rolled his eyes at Jessica. “Could you get someone from security?” he asked the guy who had metal studs pierced through every imaginable location on his face and neck.

“Security? Is there a problem?” a second rocker asked, peeking into the hall. Jessica recognized the lead guitarist, or maybe he was the bassist, of Kickstart. At least he wasn’t falling down drunk. He stroked his long braided beard with one hand while he looked from one person to the next.


“This chick attacked my girlfr—” His gaze shifted to Jessica’s face again. “Erm…”

“Your dick warmer,” Jessica supplied.

Sed laughed. “If I said that, I’d be pulling a knife from between my ribs as soon as I fell asleep tonight.”

Jessica shrugged.

“I’ll take her off your hands,” the bearded guy said.

“I don’t want you. I want Sed,” the woman insisted.

Jessica noticed that the woman had become complacent putty in Sed’s hands.

Jessica nostrils flared. She hated groupies. Absolutely hated them.

“Look, bitch, I already told you, Sed f**ks me and only me until we call it quits. I don’t put up with infidelity bullshit and he knows it. Now if he really wants to f**k you, all he has to do is say so, and he can do whatever he wants. Of course, I’ll never let him touch me again.” Her gaze shifted to Sed’s face, wondering how he was going to react to her posturing. She was as bad as he was when it came to staking her claim. “So, who’s it going to be?”

He hesitated. She couldn’t believe he hesitated. He shoved the girl into the drunken singer’s arms, took two steps and grabbed Jessica. She squeaked in surprise when he grabbed her ass and pressed her mound against his thick cock.

“I love it when you’re possessive,” he growled at her. “It makes me so f**kin’ hard.”

Her pu**y throbbed in response. Nipples tightened. Goose bumps rose along the surface of her skin. He rubbed his hands down her arms, shifting every nerve ending in her body to full throttle.

Her fingers curled into his naked chest. “Then why don’t you do something about it?”

He lifted her off the ground by her ass and she wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck. She stroked his silky, soft hair and kissed him while he carried her down the corridor and out into the warm night air behind the stadium. She was vaguely aware of camera flashes going off on their way to the bus, but she didn’t really care at the moment. She just wanted her man to take her. The sooner the better.

He carried her up the bus steps and dumped her on the sofa, reaching under her dress to rip her soaking wet panties from her body. Eyes closed, she leaned back and found her head on someone’s thigh.

She looked up to find Trey smiling drowsily at her. “Don’t mind me,” he murmured.

Sed thrust into her and she cried out, her eyes closing, back arching. He held her hips as he pounded into her, already gasping excitedly. He grunted and groaned, chanting her name as he lost control. Trey’s hand brushed the spaghetti strap from her shoulder and pushed down the fabric of her bodice. When Trey stroked the underside of her breast with the gentlest of touches, Jessica gasped.

She forced her eyes open and looked up at Sed. Did he know what Trey was doing? Did he even realize Trey was sitting on the end of the sofa? Sed had his eyes closed, concentrating fully on working her pu**y into a frenzy. He was doing a damn fine job. Jessica squeezed his c**k inside her and he shuddered. “Yeah, baby. Squeeze me. Ungh.”

She held him tight while he thrust into her with a relentless rhythm.

Trey’s hand cupped her breast, his thumb brushing over her nipple. She tilted her head back to look at him. His tired gaze was focused on her breast. He stroked her nipple repeatedly, until it budded to his satisfaction. “Lovely,” he whispered.

His head dropped back on the sofa and he closed his eyes. She noticed the prescription medication bottle in his free hand. His painkillers always made him tired, but she couldn’t believe he could fall asleep with a girl getting f**ked on his lap. What the hell kind of meds was he taking anyway?

Chapter 29

Sed watched Trey step out of the bathroom and stumble his way to the front of the bus. Trey said something to Dave, who was driving them through a mountain pass on their way into the Midwest.

Sed could barely hear Dave’s response over the engine noise as it climbed the steep grade road. “We’re kind of in the middle of nowhere, man, but I’ll try to find some place to stop.”