(a free preview of the first fifteen chapters)

Sage Ardman

Fame series #1

R.L. Ranch Press


Portola Valley, California

This book was shaped significantly by Amy Lansky, my publisher, editor, collaborator, close friend, and so much more.

My other editor, Jena Roach, continues to push me to do better. She takes my unpolished ideas and makes them sparkle. Thanks also to Mark Manasse and Izaak Rubin who gave the book a final cleanup.

Diogo Landô did a great job on the cover art.

Finally, thanks to Gilda Garretón for helping me craft a Chilean hero.

After completing my Westerley trilogy, I didn't have to think very hard about what to write about next: rock and roll! It was an obvious choice, because I was once the lead singer of a California garage band. Of course, the things that happen in my books never happened to me, but it was fun to pretend.

After a lifetime of reading general fiction, I discovered romance at age 59 and fell in love with it. Now I fill my time reading and writing romance novels.

Life in Northern California is full of surprises, including my novels. I have been happily married for over thirty years, and we have raised two wonderful children. I honestly wouldn’t trade places with anyone else, living or dead, real or imagined.


The Westerley Series:

#1: Executive Sweet

#2: I'll Get You My Pretty

#3: Seductive Synchronicity

#1: The Fiery Boys

#2: Rock Con Roll

Print ISBN: 978-09914205-44

EBook ISBN: 978-09914205-51

Book layout by: Steve Rubin

Cover art by: Diogo Landô

For more information, please contact: R.L. Ranch Press, 4119 Alpine Road, Suite A, Portola Valley, California, 94028. Telephone: 650-851-2927. Or visit

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Sage Ardman

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