His cock lurched at the thought and a renewed sense of urgency spurred him on. He tugged the jeans over her hips and down her legs, holding her hand while she stepped out of them.

Then he leaned forward and reached for her ass cheeks, drawing her toward his mouth so he could bury his face in the vee between her legs. Even her panties smelled sweet, just like the woman inside. Hot, wet, musky, he couldn’t resist taking a swipe of her with his tongue. He could taste her through the fabric.

She shuddered and pushed against his face. “Mac,” she whispered.

He moved the panties to the side and slid his tongue along her pussy lips, delving between the swollen cleft to dip inside. Her sweet cream poured onto his tongue and she trembled against him, her hand coming down on top of his head to grasp his hair.

Needing more than this, he pulled her panties down, unveiling her sex. Ripe, swollen, wet, she had the prettiest pussy he’d ever seen. Bare at the lips and above with just a small patch of silken hair at her mound, giving him free access to roam. He licked around her clit, then closed his lips around the bud and sucked gently, listening to the sounds she made, eager to give her pleasure.

She leaned back against the couch and spread her legs wider. Oh, yeah. He loved a woman who enjoyed sex, who craved that orgasm as much as he did. And Lily wanted it. He could tell with every intake of breath, every lift of her hips, the way she looked on him with such intent—God, it was so sexy the way she watched, encouraging him with her eyes. He kept his focus on her face as he slid two fingers into her pussy. They went in easy, her walls gripping him, the muscles there already pulsing as he latched onto her clit and sucked again.

“Mac, I’m going to come if you keep doing that.”

That was the objective. To feel her squeeze his fingers, pour come all over his hand and let go. He really liked watching her in the midst of an orgasm, to know he was the one in charge of giving her pleasure. He rolled his tongue over the hard knot, moved his fingers in a steady rhythm in and out of her cunt. Her lips parted, her breathing quickened, and her eyes widened.

“Yes, oh yes, I’m coming,” she whispered, lifting her hips even higher, grinding her sweet, wet pussy against his face as she climaxed. The muscles tightened around his fingers and he held onto her clit with his mouth, lapping it gently through her orgasm until he felt her relax. Only then did he stand, pull her shirt over her head and reach around to undo the clasp on her bra, freeing her breasts. He couldn’t resist taking a taste of her nipples. The pink buds stood at attention, teasing him. He licked one, sucked it, flattening it between his lips and the roof of his mouth. Even her skin tasted sweet, the low moan she uttered adding to his pleasure. He released one, then sucked on the other, rolling it around on his tongue until it stood hard and wet. He stepped back to admire her.

Now she was completely naked, her body flush with desire.

And he was still fully clothed, with one very angry, very hard cock clamoring to get out. Rectifying that was the next step.


Lily stayed right where she was, leaning against the back of the couch, even teasing him by keeping her legs spread. Her pussy, swollen with the aftereffects of her orgasm, glistened with moisture. She watched him as he toed off his boots, then removed his chaps.

“Those are so sexy on you,” she said, expertly arching a brow as she inspected him.

He smiled, unzipped his jeans and pulled them down, making sure he didn’t appear in too much of a hurry. They weren’t teens anymore, but damn he wanted inside her.

And then the realization struck that he’d only been inside her once. One time in ten years.

The last time she’d been a virgin, and it hadn’t exactly been his best moment. He’d been awkward about it then. Oh, he’d tried to make it easy for her. He’d kissed her, taken his time, licked her to orgasm first and made sure she was relaxed and primed so that penetration was minimally painful, but there had been more to it than that, because he’d known going into it that he was going to ruin her, that he was going to leave her that night.

He hadn’t wanted to do it, but she had insisted. Lily had wanted that night to happen, so he had taken her virginity, broken her heart and hadn’t known what to say to ease her emotional pain.

This time, he was going to make it better. This time, though barriers still stood between them, it wasn’t the same thing.

But dammit, he didn’t want to hurt her again. And he was going to.

He pulled the shirt over his head and cast it to the floor.

Naked, he advanced on her.

Ten years. Lily realized it had been ten years since she and Mac had last had sex.

Oh, they’d played the past couple days. But now they were going to fuck. He walked toward her, all bad boy predator, intent written clearly on his face. No smile, no fooling around. Light banter, teasing and play were over. This was serious business.

She gripped the top of the sofa behind her and waited for him, a trickle of fear entering her mind.

Don’t hurt me again. Her mind said it and she cast the thought aside as foolish and juvenile. She could handle this, she could keep her emotions separate from the act. It was physical. It didn’t have to be earth shattering.

Just great sex.

“Oh, hell yeah.”

Mac threaded his arms around her and jerked her to him. She yelped in surprise as their eyes met. “What?”

“Great sex.”

Oh, God. She’d said it out loud. “Oh. Yes. Definitely.”

Before she said anything else moronic, she kissed him.

And he kissed her back. God, his lips were full, soft, masterful as he moved them over hers. Her world spun, literally, when he tilted her sideways. He invaded her mouth, swiped at her tongue and took possession of her.

Not earth shattering? Who was she kidding? She clutched at his arms, feeling the muscles bunch and strain as he held her. She felt like a pirate’s war prize being plundered after capture. He was marauding and she was the booty. She might actually be swooning. Not in the past ten years, with any man she’d been with since Mac, had she ever swooned.

Nor had a guy made her lightheaded, but she was now, and that had nothing to do with the couple beers she’d had. No, it was the fullness and heat of Mac’s mouth, the expert way his tongue danced with hers, the way he held her in his arms as if he wanted to make her a part of him.

So many men were removed from lovemaking, as if only they were the ones taking part. Mac threw himself into it completely, taking her pleasure as part of his own. She was an extension of him, her pleasure part of his pleasure.

Which is exactly what she wanted to be. A part of him.

He picked her up and held her as if she weighed nothing—and she definitely weighed way more than nothing— and carried her into the small bedroom. He laid her on the bed, left for a second to retrieve the foil packet containing a condom. She watched him slide it over his cock—damn, even that was sexy—then he crawled onto the bed.

Pinning her arms to her sides, he clamped her in place with his hands over her wrists. She thrilled to his possession.

Something about his dominance was so incredibly erotic.

He laid on top of her, his cock nestled between her legs, his thighs brushing hers, and she could have cried at the severe need it evoked in her. She bit her lip to keep from begging him to fuck her, to scream that she needed it right now.

But all he did was rub against her. The hairs of his thighs tickled her skin, the head of his cock slid between her pussy lips, then he withdrew, only to rub his cockhead against her clit.

She gritted her teeth and glared at him, lifting her hips, demanding he give it to her. Was he really going to make her say it?

He reared back, then slid forward, seating himself fully inside her.

She whimpered, then moaned in utter ecstasy as her body swelled around his cock. It had been so long. So damn long. And before it had been awkward and kind of painful and she’d wanted so much to please him, but it had hurt. And she’d been shy and hadn’t known what she was doing. She’d had so many things rolling around in her head that night ten years ago.

Now she was focused only on Mac, only on the sensations driving her. Now it didn’t hurt. It was utter pleasure.

His cock was thick and hot, pulsing inside her, stretching her.

Her pussy gripped him, tightening in protest as he partially withdrew, then thrust. She wrapped her legs around him and lifted her hips, drawing him even deeper.

“You’re so beautiful, Lily,” he said as he looked down on her.

But she was the one in awe of him. Braced on his hands above her, he was all muscle, all working man. Not an ounce of softness on him, but a man who used his hands and his body, whose muscles were forged doing a hard day’s labor, not in a gym. He used every one of those muscles to surge against her.

The room was hot, perspiration coating their skin. Mac bent down and gathered Lily close. He lifted her leg and gripped one of her ass cheeks, drawing her tighter against him.

Their bodies slid together as he powered against her, kissing her with a ravaging passion that she met with eager abandon.

Release hovered. She forced it back, not wanting this moment to end. She wanted to be held, suspended, just like this, for as long as she could. With Mac’s mouth on hers, his hands on her body, his cock tucked inside her and all the things that kept them apart obliterated from her consciousness.

But, dammit, he ground against her, rubbing against her clit. She tore her mouth from his.

“Mac, stop.”

He stilled. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re going to make me come.”

His half-smile was devastating. “And that’s bad?”

“I don’t want to. Not yet.” She reached up and threaded her fingers through his hair. So soft, so thick, and damp with his sweat.

“Oh, but I need you to come for me, baby. I want to feel your pussy squeeze my cock so hard that I can’t hold back and go off inside you.”

Her pussy quivered in reaction to the dark promise in his words. He rolled against her, each point where their bodies made contact a sizzle of sensation, a heated reminder of their connection.

Slick, wet, they slid against each other, undulating like ocean waves crashing against the shore. Mac moved up and Lily met each thrust, no longer able to hold back the tidal wave of her rushing orgasm. She held onto his arms and rode it out.

He kissed her as she came, taking in her screams, groaning against her as he pinned his pelvis tight against hers, his orgasm making him grit his teeth. His shudders against her, knowing that he was coming that hard inside her, ratcheted up her own climax to a frenzied level, until she was shaking and spent.

Panting, she held onto him, not wanting to break the contact. They were slick with sweat and she thought about being on someone else’s bed, but at the moment she didn’t care. She was in heaven and this was perfect, regardless of location.

Mac pressed soft, lingering kisses across her lips, licking her bottom lip.

“You taste good.”

She smiled. “Like beer?”

“No. Like Lily. A little hot, a little spicy mixed with sweet.”

She sighed.

“And I want to make love to you about a hundred times right now, but we need to give Jim and Sheila their RV back.”

This time, her sigh was one of resignation. “I know.

Should we wash their sheets?”

Mac laughed and rolled off her. “No. They’ll do it.

They used my bed a few times when they were first getting together and I did the honors. They know the score.”

He held out his hand and helped her up, showed her where the bathroom was so they could clean up.

Now that she sort of had her wits about her again, Lily watched Mac dress, keeping a close eye on him as he slid his jacket on. She moved toward him and slid her arms underneath his jacket, wrapping them around his waist. Mac pulled the gun out of the back of his jeans and tucked it into the inner pocket of his jacket.

Lily frowned. “I was going for a hug, not to disarm you.”

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