My jaw clenched at that, and I vowed that I would help him in this endeavor.

“He died, Zaal. Died under the blades of my ’dusters. It was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done.”

I stared at Luka. A flash of anger swept through me. He had killed my brother, my twin, but when he met my eyes with sadness in his eyes, the anger left me.

“His death haunted me. Has haunted me for months. I didn’t know his name, I didn’t know who had sent him to the gulag. But now I do. I know it all.”

Luka’s head turned away and he pointed to the grave. Inhaling, I closed my eyes. I held my breath as I turned, and opening my eyes, stared at a black gravestone. Breath rushed from my lungs as I read:

Anri Kostava

Warrior. Friend.


“Be strong. Keep strong.”

I read those words. Then read them again, all the time fighting the heavy burning in my chest. I felt Luka stand closer to me.


“He deserved to be honored in my family’s graveyard. He deserved to be honored for the brother he was, to both you, and I.”

I wanted to speak. I fought for words. But they didn’t come. I didn’t know what to say. What could I say?

But my heart was full as I stared at those words. “Be strong. Keep strong.”

My hand clenched as I remembered Anri holding my hand, as Jakhua invaded the yard. “Be strong. Keep strong.” Remembered him holding my hand as we were strapped to a bed, and the man in the white coat filled us with drugs. He met my eyes and mouthed, “Be strong. Keep strong.”

Water dripped from my eyes, and then Jakhua’s words replayed in my mind.…

… you looked right through him as he begged you to see him. Didn’t react as he whispered in your ear … and you didn’t even shed a tear as he was dragged from the room … and you never saw him again.…

Gasping, I remembered his voice in my ear. “Be strong. Keep strong, brother. I’ll come back for you. One day, I’ll come and set you free.…”

Anri’s voice, his words, circled in my head. I tipped my head back and screamed. I screamed for the brother I had loved, but had forgotten. I screamed for Jakhua stealing my self-control, taking away my good-bye, and I screamed for my brother being gone, for my family, my sister, my little Zoya being gone.

Unable to remain standing, I dropped to my knees. I pressed my hand to the cold stone. I guided my hand over his name. Anri, my brother.

My tears dropped like boulders to the soft grass. I felt Luka still standing behind me. Luka, the man who had killed my brother to save his love. My heart squeezed because I now understood. I understood. I had killed to save my Talia. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to Luka and said, “Thank you for honoring my brother.”

Luka kneeled down. He placed a hand on my back. “He was my brother, too, maybe not my blood, but my brother in arms.” Luka glanced away, then looking back, said, “As are you.”

My heart beat faster and faster as he said those words. I thought back to Anri, in the grass as children.…

You’re my twin. Grandmama says we share a soul. We’ll lead together. We will always be together. We’re stronger together. You know this.…

Anri had adopted Luka as a brother, and I would do it also. I would honor Anri by following his lead.

Pushing off the grass, I held my hand out to Luka. “My brother took you as a brother. I would be honored to do so, too. A brother in arms. And some day, as a brother-in-law.”

Luka exhaled like I had freed him of a demon. He took my hand and I began to slowly exhale.

“Zaal?” Releasing Luka’s hand, I turned to see Talia standing behind me.

“Talia,” I whispered, and she moved into my arms. I held her close, breathing in her calming scent.

Her hands smoothed over my back and into my hair. “Are you okay, zolotse?”

Pulling back, I gazed on the most beautiful face I had ever seen, and said, “I am free. I have you.” I glanced to Kisa who was cradled in Luka’s arms, and added, “I have a family again.” I closed my eyes and allowed myself a smile. I caught Talia’s quick inhale of breath, and whispered, “I am no longer alone … and my heart is full.”


The evening wind was strong, carrying with it an icy chill.

But all I felt was warmth.

I lay in Zaal’s arms, my back flush to his front. We were lying on the soft garden bed on the balcony of our new home, staring at the stars. Only a thin bedsheet covered our naked bodies.