Gaston felt as though his insides were being squeezed. He continued to stare at the still although the clip had ended.

The man went on, ‘She will fetch me a good price, what do you say, eh? I have already posted pictures of her to my clients. A Middle Eastern fellow is interested but he’s a little, ah, rough.” again the cackle.” Then there is a drug lord in South America, so many takers. Such a little prize. ‘he tut tutted.’ Although she is with child. But that’s ok, no?”.

Gaston was gripping the phone with whitened knuckles. “What do you want, you b******?” he spat.

“Not so fast, not so fast!” said Dmitri.


I tried to think lucidly but my mind was cloudy and I couldn’t.

I remembered stepping out of the doctor’s clinic. The car had slid to a halt before me and I slipped inside as the driver held the door open. As the car began to move, two men had suddenly forced their way into the car.

And my nightmare began.


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