Straightening up, he limped purposefully to the centre of the dance floor where his wife was leaning into Schwartz, looking into his eyes soulfully. ‘She never looked at ME that way, ‘ he thought, fiercely.

‘Sorry to break up the twosome.” He bit out as he reached them, pleased to see the startled looks on their faces. “But I think, wife, it’s time to dance with me.”

Schwartz’s face darkened but Jan quickly stepped out of his arms, turning to Gaston. She smiled at Schwartz shyly as she turned and that was the last straw.

He pulled her into his arms hotly, running his hands feverishly down her body, noting her discomfort with devilish pleasure. Ignoring the interested onlookers, he growled, ”Remember, you belong to ME till I decide otherwise.” And brought his mouth down on hers, claiming fierce possession. She stayed limp although he could sense her resentment.

“Gaston,’ she said, in a hurt whisper, ‘You’re drunk.”

He raised his head, enjoying the distress in her tormented face and began to fondle her soft heaving breasts openly, fingering the taut nipples boldly, holding her moulded to him, uncaring that his hardness was thrusting against her pliable body, in full view of everyone in the room.

Squirming, she begged beseechingly, “For the love of God, Gaston, don’t do this. Not in front of everyone. Not here. Please.”

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