As she glared at me, I smiled at the woman serenely. Two could play the same game!

‘Don’t do that again.” threatened Gaston, looking down at me, eyes glinting.

I fluttered my lashes at him giving him a limpid smile, causing him to take a sharp breath.

As Gaston sipped his drink, I looked around me. There was no one I knew- these people, the rich and the famous were outside my league and I knew that I never wanted to have anything to do with them.

Gaston was deep in conversation with a group of older men when I turned and almost fell into the arms of a heavy set man, slightly younger than Gaston, who had come up behind me.

“Hey, easy there!’ he mumbled as he helped me to regain my balance, holding my waist for longer than necessary. I wriggled free uncomfortably, meeting the cold look on Gaston’s face as he pulled me towards him.

‘Whata prize, Gaston. Where did you keep her hidden away, all to yourself, for so long?” the man went on, his eyes resting on my body in a lascivious way. I stiffened but his hands fell on my shoulders,”Hey, little lady, I’m an old pal of Gaston’s. We used to share our women.’ And saying that, he brought his mouth down on mine, wet and repulsive, his beefy hands on my breasts.

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