It was nice talking to Sydney. I’d never had a younger brother or sister, but I was always curious what it might have been like. Sitting there talking with her was like a small taste of having a younger sibling.

She was nothing like Patience in the looks department but still cute in her own way. Her thin-rimmed glasses enhanced her bright eyes. She batted her lashes at me and giggled a lot, which was sweet. I could see the beauty she was going to be once she matured.

Sydney was a good kid and I was glad to see she didn’t seem affected over all the drama. I had no idea if she knew the real story, but it wasn’t my business to tell. I could see what Patience had tried so hard to protect. While I didn’t know what it felt like to have someone younger to watch over, I knew the feeling of needing to protect someone. That need to protect will make you do some crazy things.

Patience’s influence on her was obvious and it made me proud of my snowflake. She was just a kid when she had to start taking care of her sister. And she did all of that while dealing with some of the most awful abuse a person could be dealt.

Just thinking about what I’d seen that day in the kitchen at the governor’s mansion and remembering everything Patience told me when she confessed what her life was like made me want to break someone’s neck. I had to shake the overwhelming feeling to murder so the ladies I sat with didn’t see the angry flush that ran up my neck.

By the time I got myself under control, Snowflake came around the corner with wet hair, tiny shorts that made her legs look ten times longer, and a cute tank top with a pair of sunglasses on the front. It wasn’t the sexiest thing I’d seen her in, but my cock started to get hard just looking at her. I had to shake myself again, for a completely different reason. Florida looked damn good on her.

“Did Aunt Sarah stuff you with spaghetti?” she asked with a knowing smile.

Patting my stomach, I smirked.

I sat at the table with the three of them and told Sydney about California as Snowflake slurped spaghetti and sipped her sweet tea. It was such a normal family feeling. It made me wonder what my dad was into and in turn made me think of my mother.

Sydney and Sarah walked us to the car when it was time to go. Patience had a small duffle bag of stuff on her shoulder and a beautiful smile on her face.

“Don’t get in too much trouble please. Call my cell if you need anything. Be safe, y’all,” Sarah called out as we jumped in the car.


“Have fun!” Sydney yelled.

Patience just laughed, told them she loved them, and pulled away.

“So where to?” she asked.

“Back to the hotel?” I said as I ran a finger up her bare arm.

She looked amazing, and all I wanted to do was make up for the time I’d gone without sex. Not that it was everything, but I’d spent the night getting what I’d missed for months, and now I was addicted. Shit, I’d always been addicted to Snowflake.

“Stop that!” She laughed and swatted at my hand.

I stopped touching and watched her as she drove. There was a difference in her since the last time I’d seen her. Her posture was different. She walked with her head up and the tension in her shoulders was gone, but there was still a small amount of tightness around her mouth and every now and again when I looked at her, a brief flash of dark shadows would cross her eyes.

The beast was still inside her. Hell, I couldn’t blame her. There was still a beast in me from being beat to shit all of my life, but I let my beast out on occasion. Patience kept hers tucked away and pretended to be all better. I wasn’t sure if that was healthy, but years of being in a fucked up environment told me probably not.

“Now that you don’t have me trapped between your legs, how have you been?” I asked.

Her hands tightened on the steering wheel. The lights from oncoming cars slid across her face and the tension pulled at her eyes again. I felt bad for bringing up the past few months, but I wanted to know what her life had been like.

“I haven’t had you trapped between my legs.” She reached out and pushed playfully at my knee.

I grabbed her hand and held it in mine. Giving it a little squeeze, I asked again. “Don’t change the subject, snowflake. How have you been?”

Her fingers flexed against my palm.

“I’ve been good.” She nodded her head as if she were trying to convince herself.

“Are things all settled back home?”

This time I felt her hand go stiff in mine. Why was I asking these things? It shouldn’t have mattered, but it did. I wanted to know she was okay. I needed to know she was better.

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