I knew in the back of my head that if Zeke saw me leave the bathroom with Phillip it wouldn’t be good, but this was the only room he wouldn’t dare come into. I just had to make sure when we left that Zeke was nowhere to be found, and I had to make this a quick visit. Zeke would start to worry and search the place for me the minute he realized I wasn’t out there dancing.

“I have ten on me. Sixty bucks and they’re yours. I don’t know why you won’t take my advice and get something stronger.” He pulled out a little baggy and held it up.

I reached into my bra and pulled out the money. Shoving it into his palm, I snatched the baggy and turned toward the door.

“Wait. What’s the rush, girl? We’re in here all alone and you’re looking damn good tonight. We might as well take advantage.” He tilted his head and obviously checked me out.

“I have a boyfriend, but thanks for offer.” I pushed the door open and the music took over the quiet bathroom.

I tried to rush out and let the door shut behind me, but Phillip followed. I felt his closeness behind me and went into automatic search-for-Zeke mode. I felt Phillip’s hand on my back and moved it as fast as he put it there.

His warm breath struck my ear. “If you need more, you know where to find me.”

I smiled up at him and thanked him with my eyes before turning to walk away. That’s when I saw Zeke moving straight toward us. I put out my hands to stop him, but he moved past me so fast.

“No, Zeke, just wait!” I yelled.

He didn’t hear me; he didn’t even pay me any attention as he snatched Phillip up around the collar with both hands and head-butted him.

Phillip fell back out of the alcove and onto the outer corner of the dance floor. People stopped dancing and turned to see what the commotion was, and the music stopped. There were people crowding them, ready to see a good fight.


Phillip didn’t back down. He seemed secure in his fighting skills and that scared me even more. He stood his ground as he went in and punched Zeke so hard his head shot to the side and blood flew from his lip.

I gasped and started toward the fight, but the crowd was thickening around them by the second and I couldn’t push through. Across the horde, I could see Hope trying to break through and stop the fight, and I started trying even harder to push through, too.

“That’s your one, motherfucker.” Zeke held up one finger, then wiped at his bleeding lip.

Phillip looked around in confusion. He was obviously wondering who the hell Zeke was. Meanwhile, Zeke had an evil grin on his face. I knew his history and I also knew he was enjoying this entirely too much. I struggled harder to get through the crowd when I saw Zeke move in again. He was so fast and so angry I could practically see the smoke coming from his red face.

Phillip fought back the best he could, but Zeke bested him and knocked him down onto the floor. They rolled and Zeke landed on top. He didn’t hesitate from that point on as his fists flew one by one, up and down.

Finally, I broke through the crowd. I reached out and grabbed his fist before he could hit Phillip again, but he shook me off like I was nothing and continued to hit him.

“Zeke, stop it! You’re hurting him. Zeke! Stop this shit for real. You’re going to mess up your hand again,” I repeated over and over again, but he heard nothing.

His elbow popped up every time he brought up his fist. Phillip’s nose spouted blood and Zeke continued to pound his face. When I threw myself on Zeke’s back, he shook me off again. No way could I let this continue.

“Someone help me!” I screamed at the spectators.

No one budged. They were too busy watching, and I could no longer see Hope anywhere. I moved in on Zeke once more. When I got to him, I bent down to grab his arm and stop him, but I was too close and when he brought his elbow up again, it connected with my nose.

Pain spread throughout my entire face. My nose instantly felt like it was on fire and a sharp pain stung the back of my eyes. The room shifted around me and I fell back onto my ass. Reaching up, I covered my nose and tried to hold back the tears. Water sprouted from my eyes and drained down my face, and when I pulled my hands away they were covered in bright red.

I screamed when I saw all the blood rushing from my nose. No one seemed to even notice me, and I was starting to freak out, until suddenly Hope was at my side.

Zeke turned with a look of complete devastation on his face. Phillip forgotten, he rushed to my side and fell to his knees beside me. Leaning in with a blood-smattered shirt, he tried to pick me up.

“I’m so sorry. Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” he said in a panic.

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