Yet there I was, lying next to my tatted guitar god and allowing his arm to rest across my stomach. I can say without doubt that Megan had never been more right. There was sex, and there was making love. Zeke had showed me that the night before. Actually, he spent the entire night showing me that. There were no words to describe our first night together after months of being apart.

I lay in bed and watched as the ceiling fan above me went around and around. The dark curtain covering the window blew to the side, allowing a slither of sunlight into the room. The sounds of the fountain just outside the room became in tune with Zeke’s sleeping breaths. Fear of waking him kept me from moving and looking out at the gorgeous view.

After months of being miserable and thinking I’d never see his face again, I was in his arms. After a night of some of the best sex I’d had in my entire life, I slept for a couple of hours, but sleep was the last thing I wanted. Sleep took away my time with him. I wanted to be awake. I wanted to see his face. Dreaming about him was no longer good enough, not when I could be in his arms. Not when I could consume myself with his warmth. No, dreams had nothing on my reality when Zeke was around.

Not to mention the awful nightmares that seemed to come after a really good Zeke dream. I was perfectly fine with never having one of those again. There’s nothing like waking up drenched in sweat and feeling like you’re about to die from sadness, or better yet, from melting away into nothing.

But none of that mattered now. My salvation was here and I was willing to bet that now that he was back in my life, the nightmares were on their way out.

Turning in his arms to face him, I took in his softly sleeping face. His mouth was slightly open and his long dark lashes relaxed against his high cheekbones. Running a finger down the side of his face earned me a deep, husky moan. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard. His facial hair felt like warm velvet against my cheek as I leaned in and pressed a tiny kiss on the corner of his mouth.

I backed away, expecting to continue to watch him sleep, but he followed me up with his eyes still closed and started to kiss me. Again he moaned when I allowed him access and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Flipping me onto my back, his naked body covered mine. The white sheet tangled around our bodies as he pressed himself against me.

His hand worked its way up my side, brushing against my breast, and I released a tiny sound into his mouth. His hand continued its journey until he rested it against the side of my neck. Tattooed fingers dug into the hairs on the nape of my neck as he invaded my mouth with Zeke sweetness.

Pulling away, he gazed down at me with sleepy eyes and a lazy grin.

“You woke us up.” His voice was rough with sleep.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, “Us?”


Looking down between our bodies, he glanced back up at me with a smile as he pressed his hips into mine. Hard heat pushed into my thigh and I lifted my hips for more. He smiled down at me and shifted his hair out of his eyes.

“Yes… us. I’m okay in the morning, but the prick downstairs will take a jab at you if you wake him.”

“Tell him I said bring it.”

He laughed and shook his head at me. It was nice to hear such genuine happiness coming from him. It matched the way I felt exactly. It was as if we were blocked away from the rest of the world. We were on our own tiny island in the middle of nowhere. Nothing else mattered.

He leaned down and sucked on my earlobe. His hot breath tickled the side of my neck and gave me a shiver. Warm lips caressed me as he nipped at my chin and flicked at my top lip with his tongue.

Rubbing his lips softly against mine, he whispered, “Last night was amazing.”

“Yes, it was.” I kissed him softly and ran my fingernails lightly down his back.

Looking down at me, he bit at his lip ring before he began kissing me again. His nipple rings brushed across my breasts and a tiny noise slipped from me, making him groan against my mouth.

Taking a breath, he smiled down at me. His hair was blocking his dark eyes, so I used a finger to push them to the side.

“I love you so much,” I said without restraint.

It felt good to be able to express my feelings so easily. It was amazing to be able to say it to him after months of wishing I could hear his voice, after months of feeling no other emotion but sadness.

The dimple on his cheek deepened as his smile widened. “I love you more, snowflake.”

His use of my special nickname made me tingle all over. He kissed me deeply once more as he slid into me. There was nothing better than being physically connected with Zeke. It was more than just sex. It was more than feeling whole. It was a connection, one that deepened once he was inside me, a part of me.

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