Yousho had simply jumped into the stream that flowed near Hayshua. There would be no tracks found to give clues as to his whereabouts. This did not matter as Yousho found himself at home that morning. He made it in time for the morning meal which was timely. Yousho was famished when arriving at the village.

Yousho’s family was very pleased when he arrived in the eating area for his meal. He had to push through some of his older brothers to get at the food. Being so happy to have him back in the village, they just wanted to hug him continuously.

That night Yousho slept well in the hut assigned to his family. His father and mother went to sleep after the evening meal as they had been up the previous night. Other village members continued to visit to hug Yousho to let him know that they were so happy that he had found himself back to the village. At the age of six years this young man seemed to have a rich following. In fact, Hayshua was a close knit village. All members are important to one another and to the village. “Yousho back in Hayshua” was the chant created that day.

The next day Yousho resumed his time in the nursery. This was after the morning run he completed with his father. They also threw stones to strengthen their upper bodies. His older brothers had little interest in these physical workouts, neither did his elder sister. One child a little older than Yousho did participate in these workouts. This was Sumno. She was only a few months older than Yousho, but equally strong and already a child that caught the eye of many. Sumno was one of the reasons that Yousho began to strengthen himself. He could not understand why this female was so strong. Though women were in high positions in Hayshua and treated as equals, physically they did not often match the strength of the men. Sumno would change things in this respect.

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