“Dear one, I became very angry with my husband. I was so angry that I did not even bring the matter to you. I even moved out of my household without speaking to you about it. My suffering was the result. I really missed my husband and I know that my anger was the cause of my not bringing this matter to you. I have been warned by you about this in the past. Anger is not an emotion I can live with. You have warned me not to listen to that side of my thoughts. I am trying my best dear one. I hope not to let my emotions keep me from you. You are the most important thing in my life. This I know. I also know that you have no anger in you. I am working on mine as I know it does no good for me. It is the hard way of learning. I am learning.”

“If any of my thoughts right now are in error, please correct me dear one. You are my teacher. I am a willing learner. Continue to help me dear one. I know that I have no hope of even being happy without you. Yousho and I know that we cannot lead Hayshua without you. I accept my mistakes and the results are never good when I make decisions without your counsel.”

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