Letter II [In answer to the preceding.]


Your letter was indeed a great trouble, and some comfort, to me and your

poor mother. We are troubled, to be sure, for your good lady's death,

who took such care of you, and gave you learning, and, for three or

four years past, has always been giving you clothes and linen, and every

thing that a gentlewoman need not be ashamed to appear in. But our chief

trouble is, and indeed a very great one, for fear you should be brought

to anything dishonest or wicked, by being set so above yourself. Every

body talks how you have come on, and what a genteel girl you are; and


some say you are very pretty; and, indeed, six months since, when I saw

you last, I should have thought so myself, if you was not our child. But

what avails all this, if you are to be ruined and undone!--Indeed, my

dear Pamela, we begin to be in great fear for you; for what signify all

the riches in the world, with a bad conscience, and to be dishonest! We

are, 'tis true, very poor, and find it hard enough to live; though once,

as you know, it was better with us. But we would sooner live upon the

water, and, if possible, the clay of the ditches I contentedly dig, than

live better at the price of our child's ruin.

I hope the good 'squire has no design: but when he has given you so much

money, and speaks so kindly to you, and praises your coming on; and, oh,

that fatal word! that he would be kind to you, if you would do as you

should do, almost kills us with fears.

I have spoken to good old widow Mumford about it, who, you know, has

formerly lived in good families; and she puts us in some comfort; for

she says it is not unusual, when a lady dies, to give what she has about

her person to her waiting-maid, and to such as sit up with her in her

illness. But, then, why should he smile so kindly upon you? Why should

he take such a poor girl as you by the hand, as your letter says he hasaf

done twice? Why should he stoop to read your letter to us; and commend

your writing and spelling? And why should he give you leave to read his

mother's books?--Indeed, indeed, my dearest child, our hearts ache for

you; and then you seem so full of joy at his goodness, so taken with

his kind expressions, (which, truly, are very great favours, if he

means well) that we fear--yes, my dear child, we fear--you should be too

grateful,--and reward him with that jewel, your virtue, which no riches,

nor favour, nor any thing in this life, can make up to you.

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