Mr. Longman, who had struck me of a heap, withdrawing soon after, my

master said, Why, my dear, you can't look up! The old man said nothing

shocking. I did not expect it, though, from him, said I. I was not aware

but of some innocent pleasantry. Why, so it was, said he, both innocent

and pleasant: and I won't forgive you, if you don't say as he says.

Come, speak before Mrs. Jervis. May every thing happen, sir, said I,

that will give you delight!--That's my dearest love, said he, and kissed

me with great tenderness.

When the servants had dined, I desired to see the maidens; and all four

came up together. You are welcome home, madam, said Rachel; we rejoice


all to see you here, and more to see you our lady. O my good old

acquaintances, said I, I joy to see you! How do you do, Rachel? How do

you all do? And I took each of them by the hand, and could have kissed

them. For, said I to myself, I kissed you all, last time I saw you, in

sorrow; why should I not kiss you all with joy? But I forbore, in honour

of their master's presence. They seemed quite transported with me: and my good master was pleased

with the scene. See here, my lasses, said he, your mistress! I need not

bid you respect her; for you always loved her; and she'll have it as

much in her power as inclination to be kind to the deserving. Indeed,

said I, I shall always be a kind friend to you; and your dear master has

ordered me to give each of you this, that you may rejoice with me on my

happiness. And so I gave them five guineas a-piece, and said, God bless

you every one! I am overjoyed to see you! And they withdrew with the

greatest gratitude and pleasure, praying for us both.

I turned to my dear master: 'Tis to you, dear sir, said I, next to God,

who put it into your generous heart, that all my happiness is owing!

That my mind thus overflows with joy and gratitude! And I would have

kissed his hand; but he clasped me in his arms, and said, You deserve

it, my dear: You deserve it all. Mrs. Jervis came in. Said she, I have

seen a very affecting sight; you have made your maidens quite happy,

madam, with your kindness and condescension! I saw them all four, as

I came by the hall-door, just got up from their knees, praising and

praying for you both! Dear good bodies! said I; and did Jane pray too?

May their prayers be returned upon themselves, I say!

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