Part 5. "Won't people who work here notice were going out together Gabe looked really worried." Who cares what they think Julia told him welll it's not like people who work together are not allowed go out with each other you tell me Gabe. "No Gabe said I have just found out that you want me now but how do you think I'm spouse to feel about all this.Julia was completely shocked." I'm sorry Gabe I will understand if you don't want to be with me I am a complete fool all I can say is I love you with my heart and soul."You do Gabe put a hand on her shoulder.Am I ready for this Julia thought. Gabe took her work shirt off so she was left with just a bra on.He touched her breasts."Someone might come in so Gabe went to close the door Julia are you sure about this before we go any further Gabe asked her. "Huh of course I'm sure yes I want this to happen why don't you Gabe Julia asked him." Yeah of course I do Gabe told her. She felt his chest then she went deeper into his body right down to his peniss touched it then licked it take your trousers off Gabe Julia said Gabe did he kissed Julia's breasts. Julia was really enjoying this he took his work shirt off Julia put her face into his chest."I wish this could last forever Julia told Gabe. "It can if we make it happen Julia have you thought about that now Gabe asked her." Not really because every guy I go out with our relationship never works. "Do you want this one to last as much as I do Gabe asked Julia.

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