“Come here.”

She turned, studying him from underneath her lashes, one brow raised in challenge. As much as she wanted to belong to him, this was not the way she’d wanted things to go down. She needed something from him she still wasn’t certain he could give her. Her own emotions were conflicting with his, the harmony she’d sensed in the other pairs of mates lacking in them.

He stood there, just watching her, those dark blue eyes of his slowly bleeding to gold. The sight was highly erotic, evidence of his desire for her.

Through an act of will she kept her own eyes brown, knowing it would spur him on. His nostrils flared and she knew he could smell her arousal. He held out his hand, palm up, and waited. Patient as a cat.

Her mouth curled as she watched him stand there. Damn . Knowing him he would stand there all day, too. Stubborn son of a bitch.

And wasn’t that the main source of their problems? He’d been too stubborn to just ask her, about anything. And here he was, holding out his hand…

Wait. He’s just standing there, holding out his hand.

He was asking her. He was asking for her compliance, for her to bend her will to his, if only here in the bedroom. For the most part he’d treated her as an equal out of bed.

Like a man treated his mate.

Was it enough that he asked, even if it wasn’t verbal? She studied him, reliving every moment of the last two days. Every hour of their lovemaking sifted through her mind. The times she’d had to listen to Chloe talk about her time with Gabe was still a shaft of pain she couldn’t deny. Yet here he stood, in her room, having marked her in public (and God would she ever get over that? ) holding out his hand and waiting.

For her.


She took a deep breath and let go of the shield she’d held in front of her senses. It was harder than she’d thought it would be, but she pulled it down bit by bit until she could feel everything he felt.

And it damn near dropped her to her knees. For the first time she fully understood the need, yes the love in him without her own doubts and insecurities clouding her senses, and it was glorious .

All of her earlier posturing was gone as she allowed herself to bend to his will. The arousal moved through her, slow as honey and just as sweet. She moved to take his hand, the thought of his fangs sinking into her, of him marking her again and claiming her for his own almost enough to bring her to her knees.

When their hands met, his face lit with savage joy. He didn’t give her the slightest chance to push him away. Pulling her to him he bit into her shoulder, sending her into a screaming orgasm that was part pain, all pleasure. He held her tight, thrusting his thigh in between her legs, allowing her to ride it as the dark waves rolled over her, the emotions pouring off him throwing her higher than she’d ever been.

Without even thinking about it her Puma struck, marking Gabe, pulling a groaning shudder from him. He held her head in place as her teeth slid into him, his hands tangling in her hair and tugging on her. “That’s it, baby.” He used his free hand to begin slowly shredding her tank top, the tips of his claws leaving delicious trails of fire in their wake. The need in him spiked, savage and brutal and aimed only at her.

They began walking backwards towards the bed. He took his hand out of her hair to pick her up by her ass, her feet dangling from the floor. She took her fangs out of his neck and held on.

“Wrap your legs around my waist.”

She complied just as he tipped her backwards, her shoulders landing on the bed. Her ass was in midair, her hands clutching the bedspread to keep from falling.

“Good girl.” His fingers moved to the button of her shorts, undoing them and the zipper swiftly. “You’re going to trust me. Understand?”

She licked her lips and nodded.

“Say it.”

“I trust you, sir.”

One large hand went to the small of her back as the other one started to slide her shorts off. He grunted as they slid down and he realized she hadn’t worn any panties.

He took the shorts to the tops of her knees before his hand went to his own shorts. He wrestled them down, exposing the long, hard line of his cock. “I owe you, baby.”

Her eyes widened, her ass cheeks clenching in anticipation at the determination on his face. His hand stroked her ass, clutching one cheek before moving to the other one. “I’m going to redden this pretty ass of yours.”

She bit back her whimper.

“Up on the bed, hands and knees.”

She scrambled, awkward with her shorts around her knees, but she knew better than to take them off.

She knew him well enough to know that the sight of them was a turn-on for him. She bent down, shoulders to the bed, ass cheeks stuck up in the air, and waited for his hand.

She didn’t have to wait long. She felt the sting immediately as he swatted her. “Count.”

“One. Two. Three.” She felt the cheeks of her ass begin to burn, her pussy clenching in anticipation of the next blow. She still didn’t know what it was that made her crave this, but no way was she about to complain.

“I’m going to fuck this ass.” Another swat landed, her whimper escaping before she could bite it back. It felt like her butt was on fire. He stroked the red globes, his hand soothing on the sensitive skin. “You’ll look so pretty with my cock sliding between these red cheeks.”

Her clit throbbed at the thought of feeling him there. They’d done it once before in the dreams, and the sensations had been wild beyond belief. “Please, sir.”

“Please what?”

“Please fuck me.”

She felt him move back on the bed. “Not quite yet.” She closed her eyes as his hands slid to her hips.

“First I want to admire my ass.”

“Get a mirror,” she muttered.

Another slap had her squealing. “What was that?”

The amusement in his voice had her relaxing back against his hand. “Nothing. Sir.”

His teeth nipped her hip. “Are you sure? It sounded like you had something to say.”

If you don’t fuck me soon I’m going to kill you. She had the feeling if she told him that she would wind up staying there, ass in the air, while he went and did something else. “I said you have a very fine ass, sir.”

He laughed as he stroked hers. “That I do.”

The first swipe of his wet, warm tongue took her by surprise and she jumped. “Tasty, too.” Gabe’s tongue rolled around the globes of her ass, occasionally dipping in between the cleft of her cheeks to swipe at her pussy.

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