“Steak and fries?” I joked and he laughed lightly.

“Yeah. Steak and fries.” He pulled me towards him and kissed me gently, his fingers running through my hair. “You’ll have to teach me that move.” He whispered in my ear as he kissed the side of my face.

“Oh it’s not a position.” I said stupidly.

“We’ll just have to make it a position then, won’t we?” He stared into my eyes with such a possessive look, that I couldn’t help but feel thrilled.

“If you want.” I nodded, my head still up in the clouds of confusion and denial.

“We should go back into the church.” He grinned. “Someone’s playing ’Here Comes the Bride’ again.”

“Yeah, we should head in.” I nodded as I hurried towards the door.

“You go first.” He stayed where he was. “I’ll come in after you.”

“Okay.” I opened the door and hurried out of the room, my body flushed with blood from my orgasms. Had I really just let a strange man go down on me? My brain was still in total disbelief and I laughed to myself as I walked into the church. Not only had I just let Mr. Miracle Tongue go down on me, but I was planning on letting him do a lot more to me later that evening.



“Did you just make out with that guy?” Alice’s face was positively giddy as she stared at me. I felt like I was doing the walk of shame as I made my way down the aisle and I knew that I’d have to donate all five of the twenties that Alice was going to eventually give me.

“No.” I sat in the pew next to her, knowing full well that my lipstick was pretty much gone and that my hair was a hot mess.

“Oh my God, did you have sex with him?” Alice’s jaw dropped.

“No I did not have sex with him.” I squeaked out and the people in the row in front of us turned around to look at me.

“Shh.” The old lady directly in front of us glared at me. “This is a wedding, not a night club.”

“Sorry.” I gave her a weak smile, but she turned back to the front. “Alice.” I glared at her.

“Don’t blame me, you had sex in a church. I can’t believe it.” She laughed. “You’re so going to hell.”

“I’m not going to hell.” I pat my hair down. “We didn’t have sex.”

“What did you do then?” She grinned as the organist started playing ‘Here Comes the Bride’ once again and we all stood up.

“You don’t want to know.” I blushed as I straightened my dress. My inner thighs were still tingling.

“So what’s his name?”

“Whose name?”

“Liv.” Alice rolled her eyes and I avoided her gaze as I watched the groom and his best man walk up the aisle.

“Shouldn’t they have played this song once he was already by the altar and the bride was walking down the aisle?” I made a face as we continued to listen to ‘Here Comes the Bride’. “How many times are they going to play this song?”

“Liv, I don’t care what they do at my ex's wedding.” Alice’s face dropped and I could see in her eyes that she was more hurt than she’d let on about this wedding.

“I don’t know his name.” I breathed out quietly. “But we can call him Mr. Miracle Tongue.”

“Mr. Tongue?” Alice blurted out just as the music stopped and it felt like the whole church was looking at us. I turned to look around and I saw him standing at the back of the church with a wicked smile on his face as he grinned and straightened his jacket.  He’d heard. I was almost positive of it. Oh why, oh why did I always have to be so uncool in these sort of situations?

Chapter Two

“This is my hotel room.” He closed the door behind me with a slam. It was as if the door were trying to tell me that I was not leaving, at least not tonight.

“It’s nice.” I looked around, barely breathing. The room was huge and decorated like it was a Pottery Barn display. “Is this the penthouse?”

“Junior Penthouse.” He nodded as he stepped towards me.

“Very nice.” I swallowed hard.

“Are we done with the small talk?” His arms went around my waist and pulled me towards him.

“I didn’t know that we were—”

“Shh.” His lips touched mine gently as he kissed me. “Let’s not waste our time with talking.”

“I don’t even know your name.” I pulled away from him slightly.

“Does it matter?” He replied, his eyes light, as his hands fell to my ass.

“I guess not.” My face burned in shame. Not because he didn’t care about my name, but rather because I didn’t really care about his either. I was going to sleep with him either way. We both knew that. His tongue had been the appetizer and now I was ready for the real thing. I knew his main course was going to fill me up. I giggled at my thoughts. I wasn’t sure when I’d become so dirty minded, but I loved it.

“What’s so funny?” He pulled me towards him and I felt his hardness against my stomach. Oh boy, I’d ordered an extra big helping and I hadn’t even realized it.

“Just thinking about dinner.” I said inanely, feeling like a fool.

“Steak and fries.” He licked his lips slowly. “I’ve got a steak in my pants that wouldn’t mind being eaten?”

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