“Oh yes, Xander.” I nodded. “I love you too.”

“Good.” He said smugly. “And now it’s time to conduct the test.” He grinned. “I want you to close your eyes so you can’t see if it’s my tongue or the toy and then I want you to tell me which one you think is best.”

“Oh Xander.” I giggled and was about to say something else, but the sight of him wiggling his tongue at me shut me up. I mean, who was I to say no to the contest? I needed to concentrate hard and prepare myself for the orgasms to come. It’s a hard job, but someone’s got to do it.


Three Months Later

So I know you’re wondering about my being pregnant. How could you not be right? Well, I’m glad to say that Xander and I were not pregnant. I do want to have babies. I want lots of them, but not quite yet. Not until after we’re married. Not until we know each other a bit better, because let’s be honest, we don’t really know each other that well.

So the other thing you should know is that Xander and I both lied. I told him that the tongue vibrator didn’t come close to him and his tongue-work and well, if I’m honest, it did come pretty close. I hadn’t expected it. Maybe it felt so good because I always closed my eyes and pretended it was Xander’s tongue when I used it. I think he figured out that I lied because one day the tongue just disappeared and when I asked him where I could buy another one, he told me he wasn’t sure. Likely story.

And Xander lied, when he said that the next wedding we would have sex at would be our own. That didn’t happen. We’ve been to two weddings since that conversation and we had sex at the last one. Loud, obnoxious door breaking sex. And yes, I say door breaking for a reason. We were against a door and it broke as he pounded into me. We were lucky though. Only the bride saw us in all our glory. And she just rolled her eyes and walked away. Typical Gabby behavior, yes, I said Gabby. Yes, she did get married three months after her broken engagement to Xander. Don’t be surprised. I’m not. She found some sucker on an online dating site and had a fake pregnancy scare with him. I guess she figured it worked once; so she’d try it again. Only this time, she told him the truth before he found out. She got lucky though, because he didn’t care. Turns out he was hoping to get her pregnant anyway.

My family was also surprisingly cool about Xander and I getting together. It turns out that both Aiden and Scott had sensed there was something between us, Chett didn’t care and Gabby, well Gabby had a few words to say to me, but she got over it pretty quickly. My parent’s were the most surprised, but after having to deal with all of my siblings for all of their lives, me dating my sister’s ex-fiancé wasn’t even close to the top of the shocking things they’d had to deal with. Remember I have Gabby for a sister and boy did she know how to get into trouble. I think once you’ve dealt with one of your daughters hooking up with your pastor, you can deal with anything.

You should be pleased to know that Xander and I are going strong. You wouldn’t think a relationship that had such auspicious beginnings would stand a chance in hell, but it did. We’re very much in love and we’re so happy I can hardly take it. Though, we do argue a lot about a lot of different things. He’s still obnoxious and pompous and inappropriate and I still feel like slapping him every other day. But there’s a good part to arguments, the makeup sex is great. And when I say great, I mean he proves to me night after night why he’s my Mr. Miracle Tongue. I also call him Mr. Miracle Cock to Alice, but we decided it’s best I don’t tell him that. I don’t want to make him any more arrogant. He’s full of himself as it is. We’re going to move in with each other in a couple of weeks. I’m so excited I can’t stand it. I thought it was too fast to move in already, but he says he doesn’t want to go another night and morning without me in his bed again. I rolled my eyes when he said that, but inside I was thrilled. I mean, that’s the sort of romantic talk I was looking for. Only I don’t tell him that. I’ve learned to let Xander come to realizations himself. It tests my patience, but our relationship is better for it. I got really lucky and I know it. I also know that we’re both still a bit immature and a bit crap at dealing with relationship issues, so I just try to let him be. We’ve got a lifetime to get it right. And we’re already making plans together; things we want to do and that kind of stuff. We’ve planned a trip to Paris, a sex-class we want to take (shh) and a special party for when we move-in. The party is for Alice and Aiden though; we’re hoping to get them together. Well I am, Xander doesn’t really care. You know how guys are! As long as he’s getting regular sex he’s happy to go along with almost everything I say. And I’m fine with that. I really am. My life is wonderful now. I feel content and I’ve got as much excitement as I can take. Who knew my one night stand would lead to the rest of my life?


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