"Oh really?" His eyes looked impressed as he gazed at me and I wondered if he looked at my sister like that as well.

“Oh really what?” I said distracted by his gaze.

“Oh really, you’re reading Hemingway.” He grinned. “Which book again?”

“The Old Man and The Sea.” I said quickly and then swore under my breath. “I mean For Whom The Bell Tolls.” I blushed and looked down. That was why I wasn’t going to let him tie me up and have sex with me in the study. When I was around him, my brain went to shit. Who knew what would happen if we got really down and dirty?

“Oh what’s it about?”

“What’s what about?” I asked him blankly as I imagined him spanking me lightly and then a little harder. I wondered how into the spanking he would get. Would my ass sting from his touch or would it merely tingle.

“The book.” His eyes teased me as he sat there.

“Oh it’s about a man waiting by a church.” I said weakly. “He goes to the church every day and waits for the bell to ring.”

“He goes to wait for the bell to ring?” Xander’s lips twitched.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “It’s a magical book and it only rings for wizards. Like Harry Potter, you know?”


“Hmm, I see.” He grinned and then grabbed the book from my hand. “Fifty Shades of Grey?” He said as he looked at the cover. “Is this a new one by Hemingway then? One I haven’t heard of before?”

“Give it back.” I snatched it back from him, my face a deep, dark red. “What are you doing in here anyway? Haven’t you bothered me enough for the day?”

“I didn’t know you’d be in here. I thought you were doing your fashion show with Alice.”

“Ha ha, fashion show indeed. We’re just trying on outfits and deciding what we both look best in.”

“If you say so.” He opened the book. “Now tell me what this book is about.”

“It’s just a romance book.” I blushed and reached over for the book. “Give it back to me.”

“I have a question.” He hands me the book, his eyes sparkling.

“What?” I snapped, embarrassed that he’d called me out.

“What’s a Christian Grey-flavored popsicle?” He asked with light eyes.

“What?” I frowned at him and then hit him on the shoulder with the book. “You’re a pervert.”

“I’m the pervert?” He grinned. “I’m not the one reading porn in the middle of the day.”

“I’m not reading porn.” I growled at him.

“I mean if you’re feeling horny, I can help you out.”

“Help me out?”

“With my miracle tongue.” He grinned and then flicked his tongue back and forth at me. I have to admit that the sight of his long pink tongue moving sensually across his mouth did turn me on. A lot. I could feel it in my panties and in the heaviness in my breasts.

“Xander.” I shook my head. “Have you no shame?”

“No.” He leaned forward and I felt his tongue in my ear. “I have no shame at all.” He whispered and then sucked on my earlobe. “Let me make you come, Liv. Let me take your panties off with my teeth and let me take you to the top of the cliff and back down with my tongue. He wants to be inside of you as much as you want him inside of you.”

“Actually.” I jumped up off of the couch and dropped the book into his lap. “I don’t care about your tongue at all. I don’t need your tongue inside of me. And I certainly don’t need to be taken up and down a cliff, thank you very much.”

“Are you sure about that?” His fingers ran across my trembling lips. “Climbing cliffs is very enjoyable.”

“Yeah well, I’ve been down that road and have no need to go back.” I pushed his hand away and quickly walked out of the study, my heart racing at his touch. Why oh why did Xander affect me so badly. He was like a drug my body desperately craved that I knew was very bad for me. He was slowly, but surely making me an addict and I knew that my addiction was leading me nowhere good. I knew I had to wean myself off of him before it was too late. I was not going to let Xander and his miracle tongue bring me down, any further than I already was.

Chapter Eight

“Hold still, Liv.” Alice stood in front of me and styled my hair with her curling iron. “If you keep moving I’m going to burn you.”

“Don’t you dare burn me.” I warned her. “This is boring.”

“I’m nearly done.” She sighed. “Just be patient.”

“I’ve been sitting here for twenty minutes.” I sighed. “What sort of hairstyle are you creating?”

“A seductive, sensual one.” She grinned. “All the men in the club will be all over you.”

“All but one, you hope.” I laughed. “If I get them all, who are you going to have?”

“I’ll find someone.” She giggled and flicked her long brown hair with blonde streaks back.

“Oh boy.” I laughed. “And you’re sure my makeup doesn’t look too slutty?”

“Is there such a thing as too slutty?” She asked as she stared at me face.

“Yes.” I nodded. “I don’t want anyone to think they can offer me twenty dollars and take me behind the trashcan for a blow job?”

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