“Are you going to tell me which one?”

“No.” I shook my head and turned back to the door. “That’s none of your business.”

“Are you always going to be like this, Liv?” He grabbed my shoulder. “Can’t we just be friends?”

“No, we can’t.” I said as I opened the door and walked out of the room. Who the hell did Xander James think he was? Did he really think I could just forget everything and just be friends with him? Did he really think that was possible?

“Morning Liv.” A soft husky voice made me jump and I blinked as I stared ahead of me. “Sorry,” He smiled at me widely. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s okay.” I smiled back at him. “Good Morning to you too, Henry.” I looked into his eyes and I noticed that they were actually a lighter green than Xander’s.

“Everything okay?” His perfect white teeth shone at me as he spoke and I really began to notice the subtle differences in his appearance to Xander’s. Henry had slightly thinner pink lips and a rather deep-set dimple in his right cheek. His hair, though also dark, held light streaks of brown as well and it was slightly more unkempt than Xander’s was.

“I’m fine. It’s just been an exhausting morning already and we haven’t even had breakfast.” I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“I am hungry.” He nodded. “I’m just coming back from my morning run and am ready for pancakes and bacon.”

“That sounds good to me.” I nodded eagerly. “Banana chocolate chip pancakes with lots of syrup and bacon.”


“I’m a blueberry pancake guy myself.” He smiled and ran his hand through his dark hair, “Though I wouldn’t mind some chocolate chips. Maybe we can share?”

“Sounds good to me.” I said and adjusted my top as I stared at him. “As long as you don’t want some of my bacon as well.”

“Don’t worry, I never attempt to take bacon off of anyone’s plate.” He laughed and I stared at his lips for a few seconds as I laughed along with him.

“Good or I’ll have to kill you.” I giggled and poked him in the shoulder with two fingers sticking out like a gun.

“Uh oh, the warning has officially been issued.”

“Yup.” I said and winked at him.

“What’s going on here?” Xander’s deep voice was directly behind me and I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t heard him come out of the bedroom and down the corridor.

“Liv is going to share her pancakes with me, but she’s warning me to stay away from her bacon.” Henry answered his brother with a laugh. “I said that’s a fair price to pay to share breakfast with a beautiful woman.”

“Hmmm.” Xander said in reply as my stomach flipped. Henry had called me beautiful. I had to admit that his words made me happy. Maybe I would try and get to know Henry a bit better this morning. “Maybe you shouldn’t be sharing everything with everyone, Liv.” He said to me obnoxiously as he looked down at me with a sneer.

“Excuse me?” I glared up at him, my mind off Henry as I gazed into Xander’s dark green eyes.

“Maybe you shouldn’t be so easy and willing to give it up.” He said softly as I gasped. He paused as he looked me up and down and then he grinned. “Your pancakes I mean. I wouldn’t be so easy to give them up. Henry’s a pig. He’ll gobble them all down before you can blink. And then you’ll regret having given them up.”

“I don’t think I’ll regret sharing my pancakes, though there are other things I regret.” I tried to remain civilized, though it was difficult. I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of Henry or make him suspicious, but I so badly wanted to smack Xander. Hard.

“Oh?” He cocked his head. “Like what?”

“Xander, don’t badger the girl.” Henry gave his brother a reproachful look. “She just woke up.”

“I’m not badgering her.” Xander gave his brother a sharp look.

“I’m just saying you just met her and she doesn’t know your sense of humor, so go lightly on her.” Henry grinned at me. “We’re not family yet.”

“Thanks Henry, I appreciate it.” I smiled at him warmly.

“Shouldn’t you be getting in the shower or something?” Xander’s eyes narrowed at me. “We wouldn’t want you to hold up our getting pancakes.”

“I’d worry about your fiancé, as opposed to me.” I looked at him distastefully. “I’m pretty sure she’s still in bed.”

“Well I do wear women out.” Xander said smartly and I gasped, all color leaving my face as jealousy stirred in my stomach.

“Xander.” Henry chastised his brother. “Ignore him, Liv. Xander and I shared a room last night, he wouldn’t dare disrespect your parents in their own home.”

“I wouldn’t be shocked if he did.” I gave Xander a disparaging look and then looked back at Henry. “It’s good to know one of the James brothers is a gentleman. Thank you.”

“Any time.” Henry bowed his head down and grinned. “Now hurry and shower so we can go and get those pancakes.”

“Will do.” I giggled and then hurried off to my bedroom. I could feel both brothers staring after me as I entered my room.

“There you are.” Alice said melodramatically as I walked into the bedroom. “Where have you been?”

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