“It’s Aiden, okay.” She blushed. “And I just think he’s cute. I’m not after him.”

“You like Aiden?” I made a face. Aiden was the eldest of all of us and he was my bossiest brother. Out of all of my brothers, he was the least fun and sometimes felt more like a second dad to me. “You don’t seriously like Aiden, do you?”

“I knew you would say that, that’s why I didn’t tell you.”

“It’s just, Aiden.” I made a face. “Imagine if you dated him and we had to double date.” I shuddered. “It would be like double dating with my dad, he’d be trying to tell me what to order and not to stay out late, and God forbid my guy kisses me or something.”

“Is the coffee ready?” Alice looked at the French press pointedly.

“Let me check.” I sighed and pressed it down before pouring the coffee in two mugs and turning back to her. “You’re not really interested in Aiden, are you?” I gave her a hopeful face. “Is this a bad joke?”

“How many bad jokes do you think are being played on you this weekend, Liv?” Alice laughed as she heaped sugar into her cup. “And yes, I like Aiden. And no, he’s nothing close to being your dad. He’s only twenty-eight and he’s gorgeous, and funny, and sweet, and well, yes, I have a small crush on him. I have for a long time, if I’m being honest.” Alice took a deep breath. “You better not tell him.”

“What am I going to tell him?” I rolled my eyes. “He’d just find a way to lecture me.”

“So now it’s your turn.”

“My turn to do what?” I took a sip of my coffee and coughed. It tasted gross. I must have put too much coffee and not enough water in the French press.


“What happened with you and tonguey?”

“Don’t call him tonguey. That sounds gross.”

“What he did with it wasn’t gross though was it?”

“It doesn’t matter.” I looked around the kitchen. “He’s not into me.”

“I’m sorry.” She gave me an apologetic look.

“He’s not the father, you know. He hasn’t even slept with Gabby. Yet, he still wants to marry her.”

“Does he love her?” Alice looked shock. “And wait what? They’ve never had sex?”

“I know. I was shocked as well.” I tried another sip of coffee and then put the cup down. “Let’s go to my room and talk there. I don’t want anyone to hear us.”

“Okay.” She nodded and stood up. We walked to my bedroom and I noticed she had left her coffee sitting on the countertop as well. I closed the bedroom door behind us and then jumped back into bed. “You coming?” I asked her and patted the space on the mattress next to me.

“I don’t know if I should lie down.” She sighed. “I spent an hour flat ironing my hair this morning and what if my makeup smudges on the pillowcase?”

“Ah, come on Alice. Your hair and makeup will be fine.”

“Fine.” She yawned and took off her shoes. “I guess, just for a little bit, while we talk.”

“Uh huh.” I laughed. “You look tired. How much sleep did you get last night?”

“Two hours.” She yawned wider and longer this time. “I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep and now I’m absolutely exhausted.”

“Oh Alice.” I shook my head as she plopped down next to me. “Why didn’t you tell me that you liked Aiden?”

“Because I knew you would react as you’re reacting now.” She rolled onto her side and looked at me. “Completely over the top.”

“I was hoping you liked Scott.” I grinned. Scott was my youngest brother and the one most like me. He was happy-go-lucky and always up to something. He’d gotten into so much trouble as a kid and I’d loved him telling me all his tales. I’d been the good child, but only because I always had my parents and Aiden down my back. There were many activities and tricks I would have liked to have gotten into, but never had the chance.

“Scott’s a goof, I love him, but he’s a goof.” Alice laughed. “He can’t keep serious for two minutes.”

“That’s why you should date him. You’ll always be having fun. Aiden on the other hand, ugh.” I sighed, still remembering all the times I’d gotten in trouble due to him telling my parents I was up to something.

“I’m sure he doesn’t want me anyway.” Alice rolled her eyes. “So don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried, I’m just—”

“Liv, do you want to talk about Aiden or Xander?” Alice interrupted me and I sighed.

“I don’t really want to talk about either of them.” I made a face. “Xander’s a big jerk.”


“I kinda let him know that I wouldn’t be opposed to him no longer being engaged to my sister.”

“What?” Alice’s eyes almost popped out in shock. “You did not say that?”

“Well not in those exact words, but basically I told him that maybe he didn’t want to get married now that he had met me and he wasn’t the father of my sister’s baby and basically he looked at me like I was crazy and walked away.”

“Oh wow.” Alice made a sad face. “He sounds like a dick.”

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