“Are you listening to me Liv?” Xander’s voice interrupted my thoughts and I looked up at him with a wry smile.

“No, sorry.” I said and flashed him my teeth.

“You seem preoccupied.” He said with a frown and I have to admit my heart jumped for joy for a little bit. Yes, I know I’m slightly immature, but it pleased me that he knew that he wasn’t eating up my thoughts. I mean he was, but I’m pretty sure he thought I was preoccupied by something else. “What’s on your mind?” He said softly. “Is it me?”

And then, because my feelings were hurt, and because I wanted to see if I could make him jealous, I said the one thing I could think of to try and rile him up.

“Oh no.” I said sweetly. “I was thinking about Henry.” I looked down with a fake demure smile. “Gabby mentioned that he was single and a nice guy and I was thinking, maybe I should get to know him better.”

“You what?” His eyes narrowed and my heart jumped for joy at the displeasure on his face. “My brother Henry?”

“Yes.” I pushed my breasts out slightly. Look at what you’re missing buddy. “That’s not going to be a problem, is it?” I licked my lips slowly and grinned. “After all, you’re seeing my sister.” He stood there for a few seconds, his eyes searching mine and then he went to the bedroom door and exited my room without a word. Score one for me! I thought as I stared at the open door. I stood there for a few seconds and then sighed. My victory felt very hollow. I hadn’t really fixed anything. My wedding hookup. My Mr. Miracle Tongue was engaged to my pregnant sister. My bitchy, thinks she’s better than me, sister. And all I could think about was how quickly I could leave the house and get away from them all. I was scared about what would happen if I stayed. I could still feel his hardness in my hands. He was a grade A jerk. How could he still be coming on to me if he was engaged to my sister? And how could I still be liking it? What was wrong with me? I was a home wrecker...well, a soon to be home wrecker. I was one of those women that Alice and I hated. One of those women that didn’t care if the man was taken. Okay, so I didn’t know he was taken when I first met him. The first night of sex wasn’t my fault. But if it happened again. If I hooked up with him, I’d be the biggest bitch this side of the Atlantic. My brain was screaming at me for even thinking it could happen again, but I knew that Xander made me weak. Very, very weak. It was in that moment I knew that I was very far from being a winner. And I knew that I couldn’t stand around and just wait for something to happen. I couldn’t find myself waking up next to him in bed again. It wouldn’t be right. I’d have to come up with a plan.

Chapter Three

“You dirty dog you.” Alice squealed in delight as I finished telling her about my meeting with Xander in my bedroom, and the way he’d stood so close to me and grabbed my hand.

“I’m not the dirty dog.” I said annoyed. “He is. He’s the cheat. He’s —”


“Don’t get me wrong. He is definitely a dirty dog.” Alice agreed. “Maybe he’s a dirty Rottweiler, or wait, what’s a bigger dog than a Rottweiler? Maybe a St. Bernard? Are they bigger?”

“Who cares if a St. Bernard is bigger?”

“The dog in Beethoven, what breed was that?”

“Alice, I have no clue.” I knew I sounded exasperated. “And I don’t care. I have more pressing issues to discuss. Like what to do.”

“That’s why you’re a dirty dog.” She giggled.

“What do you mean?” I frowned into the phone, annoyed at her attitude. Didn’t she realize how serious this was?

“I mean, you’re asking me what to do. How can you be asking me what to do? You know what you should be doing as a good sister. There’s no question about it.”

“So I should tell Gabby?”

“No, you shouldn’t tell Gabby. I don’t know.” Alice sighed. “That’s awkward. I would normally say yes, but she’s knocked up and that just seems wrong.”

“I know. The pregnancy makes it harder.”

“Oh my God, I just thought of something.” Alice’s voice sounded shocked and I sat up, my heart pounding.

“Oh, what is it Alice?” I groaned. “And please don’t tell me that you slept with him as well. I’m not sure I could take any more surprises like that.”

“No,” She giggled. “What if you’re pregnant as well? What if he knocked you both up? Wouldn’t that be crazy?” She sounded excited.

“Alice, that’s not something I even want to consider. Plus, he used condoms.”

“Condoms aren’t foolproof.”

“I thought you were going to make me feel better.” I wailed. “But instead you’re making me feel worse.”

“You know what I wish?” Alice said without even acknowledging what I’d said.

“What?” I sighed, knowing she was going to tell me whether I cared to know or not.

“I wish that you’d had sex with Luke.” She mentioned her ex-boyfriend that we both hated; me even more now that I’d slept with Xander at his wedding. “Could you imagine what Joanna would say if she found out that Luke got you pregnant at the wedding. That would be priceless. I’d pay good money to see that.”

“How much? Ten dollars?” I said sarcastically.

“No, I’d pay a grand.” She said seriously. “Yes, I would dip into my savings just to witness that.”

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