One Night Stand

Chapter One

I’m a loser. No, really I am. And it’s not just because I slept with my sister’s fiancé. I mean that wasn’t my fault. I didn’t even know that she was dating anyone. It’s not my fault that my Mr. Miracle Tongue is going to be her husband. Oh my God, it will never feel right saying that. Saying the words my ‘sister’s husband’ knowing that he’s my one night stand, is awful. Slightly titillating, but still awful. I know, I know, I’m awful. How can I think that’s even vaguely exciting? How can a part of me still feel so alive knowing that the man in the living room was my lover; albeit for one night, but still we had sex a lot in that night. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. Though, I suppose it’s not a good idea for me to brag about that right now. Or the fact that when I rode him like a Texan Cowgirl, he held my hips and told me to “ride this cowboy all night”.

That’s not even the worst part. When I got to my bedroom after hurrying out of the living room, I ran to the mirror to check my makeup. Yes, I wanted to make sure that I’d looked good when I’d seen Xander again. And oh my God, what sort of name is Xander? Is he a Greek God wanna-be? Or maybe a Roman God wanna-be? Or maybe he thinks he’s a super hero. Or his parents thought he was going to be a super hero. I mean, who calls their kid Xander? I mean, I wouldn’t mind playing superheroes with him. I’d quite like to see him in a mask and cape, like some sexy Batman.

But yeah that’s an inappropriate thought as well. Nearly as inappropriate as the way I’d checked my makeup and then checked my overnight bag to see if I’d brought anything even remotely sexy to wear. And when I say sexy, I mean subtly sexy. Not obvious. Just like a quick peek-a boo sort of thing. I told you I’m a loser. Instead of praying for some sort of redemption for hooking up with my sister’s fiancé (I can barely even say the word without throwing up), I was looking to see if I had any cute clothes. What’s worse is that I felt disappointed when I realized I didn’t have anything remotely cute or sexy. All I had was some jeans, not skinny either, and some baggy, loose fitting tops. Nothing that was going to wow anyone. Which should have been good right? I mean, what sort of self-respecting woman wants to impress her sisters fiancé with a tight top exposing her ample cleavage? None I tell you. No good sister would be hoping to look hot in front of her sister’s man.

I can barely believe it by the way. How is Mr. Miracle Tongue engaged to my sister? How do they even know each other? And what sort of cheating dog was he if he’d cheated on her with me? This was such a mess. How was I going to go to their wedding, knowing that I’d had sex with the groom at the last wedding we’d both attended? And would he be expecting a repeat, like some sort of sick reunion sex. Was wedding sex going to be our thing? I groaned at the stupidity of my thoughts. We had no ‘thing’. We had a one-night stand that was now made more complicated by the fact that he was a dirty scoundrel.

I needed to speak to Xander and Gabby separately so that I could find out exactly what their story was. Maybe everything wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Maybe they weren’t really engaged. Maybe Gabby had hired him as an April Fools joke. Yeah, it wasn’t April, but Gabby was kooky about jokes. She was always pulling bad practical jokes and her timing was atrocious. This had to be a joke. A really, really bad joke. I would tell her off for it, but then it would all be okay. We’d all be able to laugh about it. And she wouldn’t be upset to know that I’d spent the last weekend in a hotel room with Xander. I tried to ignore the fact that it was a pretty impossible joke for her to pull, seeing as she didn’t know I’d slept with Xander. I rubbed my forehead and fell down to my bed. I was pretty confident this wasn’t a joke. I was pretty confident that I was in the middle of a really bad situation and I had no idea how to get out of it. I didn’t know what to tell Gabby or if I should even tell her anything. I mean what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, right?

She didn’t have to know that I’d ridden Xander like I was galloping on a stallion across a field at sunset. She didn’t have to know that I’d slapped his ass over and over again, until you could see red handprints imprinted on his flesh. She didn’t have to know that he’d called me his sexy cowgirl and that I’d spoken in a Southern accent while telling him to fuck me harder. My face was going red just thinking about that night. I walked to the bathroom quickly so I could wash my face with cold water. I didn’t want to think about the things he’d done to me. Or what I’d done to him with the ice cubes that had been delivered to the room with the bottles of water we’d ordered at 3am. I stared in the mirror at my reflection and I could see the embarrassment in my eyes as I thought about the fact that I had sucked on my sister’s fiancés balls and liked it. There was no way I was going to tell her about that.


I wasn’t surprised to hear the knocking on my door. There could be any number of people on the other side and I didn’t want to talk to any of them. I just wanted to call Alice and tell her what had happened. She’d know what I should do. She’d be able to give me advice and tell me everything was going to be okay. Though, I knew everything wasn’t going to be okay and I knew what I had to do. There was really only one solution. And that was to do nothing. I should pretend that I’d never met him. That was what I should do.


Bang Bang.

The person banged on the door louder this time and my stomach curdled in fear and anxiety. You sucked on his balls, Liv. How are you going to tell Gabby that?

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