He tossed a sideways glance at the police officer. “I’m happy to pay any fines associated with my friend Charlie blocking the runway.”

The officer made a dismissive hand movement. “That won’t be necessary. My report will show that Mr. Taylor had a senior moment and took a wrong turn when his truck broke down.”

Jay shook his hand. “Thank you, officer.”

“It’s the least I can do, Mr. Bohannon, considering all the things you do for this community.”

“Just don’t tell Charlie about the senior moment, or you’ll never hear the end of it.”

The officer grinned. “Thanks for the tip.” Then he nodded to Tara’s parents before leaving the plane.

“I think we should leave, too,” Jay suggested.

“But won’t you stay a while so we have a chance to get to know you better?” Tara’s mother suggested, a sweet smile on her face. She was all future mother-in-law now, employing her charm to win Jay over.

“I’d love to some other time,” Jay agreed. “When Tara and I are back in New York, I promise we’ll have dinner.”

“That would be wonderful,” Tara’s mother replied.

“Agreed then,” her father added, stretched his hand out and shook Jay’s. “No hard feelings. But as a father I need to watch out for my daughter. One day you might be in the same situation.”


With his free hand Jay pulled Tara closer to his side. “Yes, maybe one day.”


Charlie dropped them off at the marina, grinning from one ear to the other. They hopped out of his truck to say their goodbyes.

“I don’t know how to thank you,” Jay started. “If you hadn’t been there, I would have had to chase Tara all across the country.”

Charlie smirked and winked. “Always happy to help out. Especially when it concerns a girl.” He motioned to Tara, his eyes sparkling. “She’s a keeper, that one.”

Jay put his arm around Tara’s shoulders and drew her closer. “I know that.”

Tara blushed and dropped her lids. “Thank you, Charlie. I’m really grateful.” She pulled away from Jay and leaned toward Charlie, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Now it was Charlie’s turn to blush. Jay grinned. He didn’t know that the crusty old dude had it in him. But clearly, he’d had a lot of fun today.

Jay reached his hand out to Charlie. He shook it.

“Ya take care of that girl o’ yours, kid.”

“You bet.”

“And don’t be a stranger. Ya made a difference here. Them kids know that. Ya oughta check in on ‘em occasionally to see what’s becomin’ of ‘em.”

Jay smiled and nodded, before he turned and took Tara’s hand in his. Hand-in-hand they walked down the long dock toward the yacht.

“I realized something today,” he said as he helped Tara on board.

She raised her head, searching his eyes. “Yes?”

Jay pulled her into his arms. “When you were suddenly gone, I realized that I love you.”

“What are you gonna do about it?” she asked coquettishly.

“Well, first of all, I was thinking I’d get you inside. Just because I don’t wanna get arrested twice in the same day.”

“What would you get arrested for this time?”

Jay opened the door and ushered her inside, before sliding the door closed again.

“Indecent exposure, undressing a woman in public.”

She chuckled. “Is having sex in public illegal, too?”

“Pretty sure it’s a grave offense. Particularly in the south.” He reached for her T-shirt and pulled it over her head, revealing her naked torso. “They have a strict moral code down here.”

“Hmm.” Tara tugged at his shirt and pushed it up. Jay helped her and pulled it over his head. “We wouldn’t want to disturb the sensibilities of the locals now, would we?”

“Of course not,” he agreed and opened the button of her shorts. “That would be disrespectful.” He slid the zipper down.

Tara shimmied out of her shorts. They pooled at her feet. “Exactly. And you have a reputation to uphold in this community.” She opened his shorts and freed him of them.

“I’m glad you understand.” Jay slipped out of his boat shoes, standing naked in front of her now.

He ran his eyes over Tara’s body. Her breasts were bare, her nipples standing to attention. Lower down, her tiny panties covered her bare sex. Not much of a barrier at all. When he lifted his gaze to her face, he noticed that Tara was looking at him, too. Her gaze was focusing on his groin, where his cock was slowly filling with blood and rising.

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