The sound of it made her hot. She followed his command, bringing his cockhead to her entrance. The moment the bulbous head touched her wet folds, Jay pushed upward and thrust into her.

Tara let her head fall back. A moan escaped from her throat and was carried away by the light evening breeze.

“Hold your panties to the side,” he ordered, and she complied.

Then Jay’s hands cupped her face and pulled her to him. His lips were on hers a second later, when he scorched her mouth with a mind-numbing kiss. It tasted of possession and desire, of need and lust. His tongue was demanding as it swept into her mouth, incinerating everything in its path, claiming her like a man on a mission.

Then she began to move, up and down, impaling herself, then withdrawing. His pelvis moved in synch with her rhythm, thrusting and withdrawing, slicing deep into her, filling her. With one hand he cupped her nape to hold her face to his, the other he brought to her sex, caressing her clit with tender movements as if he knew exactly what she needed.

Tara rocked against him, rubbing her center of pleasure against his calloused fingers, the delicious friction sending hot waves through her body. She felt like ripping her dress off to find relief from the heat. As if Jay could read her thoughts, he moved his hand from her nape to her shoulder, brushing the spaghetti strap first off one shoulder then off the other, making the fabric pool at her waist.

Cool air blew against her naked breasts, hardening her nipples in an instant.

Jay let go of her mouth and dipped his head, capturing one nipple in his mouth, sucking on it, while he squeezed her breast and continued to thrust into her. His moans were like soft ripples against her sensitive skin, only adding to the delicious sensations that made her body burn with pleasure. Every time they made love, he coaxed new sensations from her body, introduced her to new levels of pleasure as if he were a magician. She felt free with him, free to express herself, to let go and only feel without worrying about the consequences.

Even now as she straddled him, her torso exposed, she didn’t care if anybody from the shore could see them. All they would see were two bodies moving in synch, two people giving each other pleasure just because they could. Two people who didn’t care that their relationship was moving too fast and most definitely didn’t meet with everybody’s approval.

“Jay,” she murmured, making him release her breast and meet her gaze.

“What do you need, darlin’?”


“You, just you.” Feeling Jay inside her wiped out every fear and worry she had about her future, about finding a job, about cutting the cord with her parents and making a life for herself.

“Tara,” he murmured, capturing her mouth again.

He leveraged his thrusts by sliding one leg off the bench and placing one foot on the ground now, allowing him to thrust upward with more strength. Faster, too. She held on to his shoulders, clinging to him. She needed this, needed him, the wildness he showed her, the passion he shared with her.

His kiss drugged her, made her addicted to him, while farther south he continued to patiently caress her clit. It was impossible to hold back any longer. A wave started building in her, threatening to drown her. As it crested, she ripped her lips from his and let out a guttural moan, holding nothing back.

Jay’s eyes locked with hers. Then shudders went through his body, and his cock spasmed inside her. His chest heaved. His eyes closed and his head dropped back, a loud groan dislodging from his throat.

When he opened his eyes again and pinned her, golden flecks seemed to sparkle in their brown depth.

“You’re amazing, Tara. Out of this world amazing.”

Before she could reply, he pulled her flush to him and kissed her, while he caressed her naked back with his warm hands and continued with slow and shallow thrusts that sent aftershocks through her trembling body.



“I said, do you want a blueberry muffin with your latte?” Veronica asked, staring at her from across the tiny table in one of the quaint coffee shops in Southampton.

Tara looked at her sister and desperately tried to pretend that she wasn’t daydreaming. Every moment she wasn’t together with Jay, she was reliving their passionate encounters—and there were plenty to relive. The number was growing daily, or rather nightly.

“I’m good. Just the latte.”

While Veronica gave the waitress her own order of coffee and a pastry, Tara scanned her surroundings again. She’d arrived way before her scheduled meeting time with Veronica and scouted out the area, making sure it wasn’t a trap and her parents weren’t anywhere nearby. She knew that her parents, particularly her mother, wouldn’t think twice about using Tara’s own sister against her. And while Tara knew she would eventually have to stand up to her parents, she knew she had a better chance of succeeding once she had a job offer in hand.

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