“No. I can’t do that. She doesn’t want some entitled rich guy.”

“Entitled? You?” Hunter’s eyebrows went up. “Of all the people I know, you’re the least entitled. Why don’t you tell her how you started? What you went through?”

Jay lifted his hand. To reveal what Hunter was alluding to wasn’t an option. Besides, Hunter didn’t even know the half of it. “I’m not going to dredge up my past to gain sympathy from a woman. That’s not what I want.”

“If you want to differentiate yourself from all the other rich guys, you might have to.”

He hoped it would never become necessary. He didn’t like to talk about his past. Not because he was ashamed of it, but because it was nobody’s business but his own.


“That was tasty! So you’re not only a waiter, but a chef,” Tara praised Jay as she helped him clear the dishes from their casual dinner on the boat.

“I wouldn’t go that far.” He grinned, making dimples appear in his cheeks. “But a guy needs to be self-sufficient.” He motioned to the glass doors leading out to the deck. “Want to watch the sunset?”

She nodded and followed him outside. Jay sat down in the corner of the broad pillow-covered bench and opened his arms. Without hesitation, she snuggled into his arms. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“What did you do all day?” he asked.

“I applied for a job.” She felt excited just saying it. Finally something good was happening.


“That’s great! What kind of job?”

“Some interior design kind of job. I don’t know too much about it yet, but I took your advice and gave a wrong name.”

He laughed. “It looks like I’m a really bad influence on you.”

Tara met his eyes. “Yes, you are.”

Jay rolled his eyes. “I’ve created a monster. What have I done? Your parents are going to kill me if they ever find out about me!”

She made a dismissive hand movement. “Don’t worry, they already hate you anyway.”

She felt a light jolt go through Jay’s body. “You spoke to them? I thought you weren’t doing this to—”

She stopped him and took his hand. “It’s not what you think. I didn’t call them to rub their noses in it. My mother called me, and I picked up thinking it was a call back about the job I applied for. Anyway, I didn’t look, and suddenly I had my mother on the phone.”

“I see.”

“I had no intention of telling her about you. But she was badgering me about coming home, and that I need them and their money.”

“So you snapped.”

“I guess you could call it that. I told her I’d find a job, and she all but confirmed that my dad would make sure I didn’t get a job offer. It made me so angry.”

Jay squeezed her hand, and the gesture warmed her heart. Somebody was supporting her.

“So Mom changed tactics, trying to give me the whole spiel about how they only want my best, and for me to find a nice man. I told her I already had a nice man.” Tara cast him a guarded look. “I’m sorry. I know we didn’t talk about this. I know we’re not really dating or, you know, boyfriend and girlfriend, but I just told her we were, so she’d get off my case.” She shrugged, feeling a little insecure. She’d known Jay for only two days, and nobody got into a relationship that quickly.

“Boyfriend and girlfriend, huh?”

“Uh, well, I just thought. Honestly, I’m not putting any pressure on you. I know this is just casual. But I figured my parents don’t have to know that.”

“Did you also tell your mother that you moved in with your boyfriend?”

Tara grimaced. “I kinda did. But I don’t want you to think that I’m expecting anything or that I’m using you.”

“Using me?” He ran a long look over her, his eyes turning molten. “What man wouldn’t like to be used by you?”

Tara gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder. “Do you have to make a joke of it?”

“Oh, I’m dead serious.” Jay turned her in his arms so that she suddenly straddled him. “I really enjoyed the way you used me last night.” He rocked his pelvis against her, reminding her of how she’d ridden him once they’d gotten into bed.

She felt her cheeks heat at the memory, while liquid pooled at the juncture of her thighs, arousal awakening her body. She’d never been so aware of her own sexuality as during the last two days. “But I’m not using you.”

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