“We expect you to get onto the next Jitney and come home instantly.” The fourth message was from this morning, and it was again her father, who’d left it. But before he’d disconnected the call, words spoken by her mother could be heard clearly on the recording. “How can she do this to me? And to get mixed up in the Gilberts’ scandal by pulling that drunkard out of the pool. How could she!”

Other parents would have been proud of her heroic act, but no, her parents saw it as an affront. As if she’d saved the guy simply to annoy them.

Tara ground her teeth and listened to the last message. Surely another idle threat made by her parents.

“Hey Tara,” her sister’s voice chimed through the phone. “If you’re still in the Hamptons, let me know. Adam and I are staying in Southampton for a few days to hang out with some of his friends, so I thought you and I could go shopping together. Call me.”

The message sounded casual and light. Had Veronica not heard from their parents yet, or had she been asked to set a trap? Truth be told, Tara wouldn’t put it past her mother to use Veronica to lure her home. And her older sister was just the kind of dutiful daughter who would do anything her mother asked her to.

Giving her sister the benefit of the doubt, she decided to reply to her. But she would be careful. A text message would suffice to test the waters.

When were you thinking of going shopping? Tara pressed send.

She had to wait almost five minutes before she got a reply.

Monday we’re golfing all day, then big dinner at the Ryans. Tuesday okay for you?

Relieved that her sister wasn’t pushing to meet her immediately, Tara let out a breath. If her mother had put her up to this, Veronica would have insisted on going shopping on Monday morning. So it appeared that her sister didn’t know yet that her parents were looking for Tara.

Cool. See you Tuesday. I’ll let you know where and when to meet.


See you then, came Veronica’s reply a moment later.

A sound from above alerted her that she wasn’t alone anymore. Tara turned off her cell phone and put it back into her bag, then walked to the steps that led up to the main cabin. The smell of fresh pizza wafted to her, and she suddenly felt hungry.

She ran upstairs, happy that Jay was back. Despite the fact that they’d spent practically the entire night and day in each other’s company, she wasn’t bored. Spending time with Jay was as much fun as it was relaxing. She loved that she could be herself with him.

“Jay, mmm, that smells good,” she said as she entered the galley. He’d placed the pizza on the large island and was opening a hanging cabinet to pull two plates from it.

“Hope you’re hungry, I got an extra large.” Jay turned halfway and placed the plates next to the pizza box, then turned back again to retrieve cutlery.

“I don’t need a fork. I’ll eat with my fingers.”

She felt him hesitate, before he turned fully to her, his head tilted down. But there was no disguising the discoloring on his face.

“Oh my God! What happened to you?” Tara rushed around the island and reached out to him, but he shrank back.

“It’s nothing.” He avoided her eyes. “Let’s eat.”

Before he could open the lid of the pizza box, she clamped her hand over his wrist. “Did you get beaten up?”

He turned his face, clearly not wanting her to examine him too closely. “Don’t worry, the other guy looks worse.”

She let go of his hand and instead captured his chin between thumb and forefinger, forcing him to turn his face to her.

He winced. “It’s nothing.”

Tara shook her head. “How can you say it’s nothing? Who did this to you? Did somebody try to rob you?”

Jay shook his head, freeing himself of her grip. “Don’t make such a big deal out of it. I’m fine.”

“You have to go to the police! You can’t just let some guy get away with attacking you on your way to get takeout.”

“I wasn’t attacked.”

“What? But you…” She stopped herself, trying to digest his words. “But if you…” She looked at his knuckles, which appeared red, several abrasions marring his strong hands. “What did you do?”

“He deserved it,” Jay bit out. “He’s a married man, for chrissake! He has no right…” He stopped as if he’d said too much already.

“Whom did you beat up?”

Defiance shone from Jay’s eyes. “He made a pass at you.”

Tara sucked in an audible breath of air and slammed her hand over her mouth in disbelief. “Oh my God! You beat up Quentin?”

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