“What did he do?” Zach asked now.

“He cornered me! I mean, his wife was right outside on the terrace. And there he is, cutting me off on the way to the kitchen.”

Jay reduced the speed to zero, letting the boat idle in the water, all ears now.

“Putting his hands on me.”

“Who?” Jay interrupted, jaw clenched. He released the wheel and took a few steps toward Tara.

She whirled her head to him.

“Quentin,” Zach answered in Tara’s stead.

“Quentin?” Jay asked in disbelief. That little piece of shit!

“He’s Paul Gilbert’s brother-in-law,” Zach explained, clearly in order to keep up the pretense. “You probably don’t know him, but he attended the party you worked at last night.”

Jay ignored Zach’s explanation and looked back at Tara. “What did he do to you?”

Tara made a dismissive hand movement. “Oh, he was just being a jerk.” She looked away, avoiding him.


But Jay couldn’t let it go. He approached her until he was only a foot from where she sat. “What did Quentin do?”

Tara looked up at him then. “He tried to kiss me. I told him I wasn’t interested. I shoved him away. He got angry. Luckily the cook showed up just in time and I got away.”

“Fucking jerk!” Jay hissed. “How dare he?”

“I’m fine. Nothing happened,” Tara said evenly, as if trying to calm him down.

But how could he be calm when Quentin had tried to force himself on her? “But something could have happened.” Jay sucked in a breath. “And his wife is pregnant.”

Tara tilted her head to the side. “How do you know that?”

For a second, he stopped himself. “Well, I saw them together. Mrs. Gilbert pointed out the family members to the catering staff before the party,” he scrambled to explain. When he noticed that Tara seemed to buy his explanation, he returned to the subject. “Somebody should teach that asshole a lesson.”

Tara reached for him, wrapping her wrist around his forearm. “He’s not worth it. He’s just another rich jerk who thinks he can do whatever he pleases because he’s got money.”

“It’s not right,” Jay grumbled.

“I hope you don’t measure all rich guys with the same yardstick, Tara,” Zach interjected. “I agree with Jay that it’s no way for a man to behave, but it would be a shame to toss all of us overboard just because of a few bad apples.”

Tara exchanged a look with Zach, while she casually stroked over Jay’s arm, a gesture that soothed him somewhat.

“It’s disrespectful not only to you,” Jay said, looking at Tara, “but also to the mother of his children. Marriage carries responsibility with it. He made a commitment, and he’d better damn well stick to it.”

“I wish more men had values like yours. I think the world would be better off,” Tara replied with a soft smile.

Unfortunately, he didn’t deserve her praise. He was just as rotten. Sure, he wasn’t the cheating kind, but he was lying to Tara about who he was. Maybe it would be better after all to admit who he was. Perhaps this was as good a time as any. And Zach was here to vouch for him, to confirm that he was a good guy, that he wasn’t like Quentin at all.

“Tara,” he started.

“And that’s why I’d rather be with a normal guy, somebody who isn’t polluted by money and status. Somebody down to earth. With real values. And not the twisted morals of high society.”

Jay stopped his next words from coming over his lips. Maybe this wasn’t the ideal moment to come clean after all. Tara was still pissed off about Quentin, and frankly, so was Jay. And at least that was something he knew how to deal with.

Telling Tara the truth about himself would have to wait a little while longer.


“You must be hungry. Why don’t I go and get us a pizza?” Jay asked, desperately looking for an excuse to get off the boat. After a leisurely lunch, the three of them had returned to the dock Jay was renting for the summer, and Zach had left.

Alone, Jay and Tara had lounged on the deck, taking in the sun, which was now hanging low over the horizon.

“That sounds great,” Tara replied. “I can come with you.”

He waved her off quickly. He couldn’t have her tag along for what he was planning. “Stay here and make yourself comfortable.” He dipped his face to press a kiss to her cheek, wanting to distract her. “Feel free to do whatever you want. Maybe you want to get out of those clothes and wait for me wearing nothing but a smile.”

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