Without wasting a further second, he licked along her moist cleft, spreading her open wider for his pleasure. Her dew spread on his tongue, and the taste sent a bolt of lust through his veins, making him shudder.

Tara arched off the bed, moaning softly. He loved her reaction, the openness with which she greeted his caresses. It made him want her even more. He explored her thoroughly, licked and sucked her folds, caressed her clit with his tongue, swiped over it again and again until she panted uncontrollably. But even then, he didn’t stop. He doubled his efforts, stroked her faster and with more pressure. He brought his fingers to aid, slipped one into her moist channel and felt her muscles clamp around his digit.

“Oh God, Jay!”

He groaned, realizing how close she was. His cock was throbbing now, urging him to take her. He pulled her clit into his mouth and pressed his lips together.

Tara’s body stiffened and she let out a breathless moan, when her orgasm suddenly crested. He felt her spasms under his mouth and around his finger, heard the relieved sighs of pleasure as she rode out her climax.

Jay breathed hard when he finally lifted his mouth off her sex and reached for the nightstand to get a condom.

“You won’t need that.”

Tara’s voice made him snap his head in her direction. “Why not?”

“I’m on contraceptives.”

“Since when? I never saw you taking anything.”

“It’s an injection, once every three months.” She reached for him, pulling him to her. “I want to feel you. Without a barrier.”


His cock leapt at the revelation. At the same time, he groaned. “I won’t last long like that.”

She gave him a wicked smile. “Then we’ll just have to do it again later until you’ve built up some stamina.”

Jay grabbed her wrists and pinned them to either side of her head. “You’re doubting my stamina? I guess I’ll have to show you otherwise.”

She laughed out loud. “You’d better.”

He silenced her with his mouth on hers, crushing her lips with a scorching kiss, while farther down, he adjusted his angle and drove into her.

The sensation of skin on skin nearly robbed him of his control. It felt right, so utterly right to be with Tara like this. Without a barrier, without anything separating them. He felt even closer to her now, even more connected. Not just physically, but emotionally.

He’d laid himself bare today. For her. And it had brought them closer. Tara understood him now; she saw the real Jay. And he trusted her with that knowledge.

He began to move, withdrawing from her tight sheath, then sliding back into her. Slowly at first. Reverently, almost. Savoring this moment.

Releasing her lips, he looked down at her, studied her face. She met his gaze, her eyes full of affection, her lips parted and swollen from his kisses. Her legs were wrapped around his backside, holding him to her, while her hands explored him and caressed his heated skin.

He saw the love in her eyes, and though they’d known each other for only a short time, he knew it was real. He felt it in the way she surrendered to him with every fiber of her being.

“Darlin’,” he murmured and allowed his body to take over.

His mind went blank. All that was important now was making love to Tara, finding release in her welcoming body and drowning in the pleasure they gave each other.

Her sheath was so tight, so smooth and warm that he knew he couldn’t make good on his threat to show her how much stamina he had. Next time. Because there would be plenty of next times. Hundreds, thousands.

But right now, he needed to come.

There was no stopping it, even if he had wanted to. He felt his orgasm build, felt his balls tighten and pull up, felt semen shoot through his cock without warning. As he exploded, he rocked his pelvis against Tara’s pussy, once, twice, three times, until she shuddered beneath him.

“Thank God!” he ground out, when he felt Tara climax with him. Because he wasn’t going to start their new relationship by being a selfish lover.

“Wow.” She blew a breath against his neck.

He stilled, bracing himself on his knees and elbows, still lodged deep inside her. “Yeah, wow.” Then he grinned. “I hope you liked the service.”

She laughed and the ripples of it bounced against his cock. “Are you angling for a good tip?”

He pulled back his pelvis, then sliced back into her, seating himself deeper again. “I’m angling for a lot of things right now, but a tip isn’t one of them.”

He pressed a kiss to her lips, then drew back. “There’s something else.”

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