Not that this additional piece of information seemed to satisfy her sister. “Are you serious?”

Tara straightened her shoulders and took a sip of her latte before tilting her chin up in defiance. “He’s gorgeous and very nice.”

Veronica shook her head in silence.

“And he’s great in bed! There!”

Her sister moved her chair closer. “Oh Tara, what are you doing? How long have you known him?”

“A few days.”

“And you’re sleeping with him? You don’t know this guy at all. He could be a serial killer or something.”

“You watch too much bad television. He’s charming. And kind.”

“And he got you into bed within a few days.”

“That’s not how it was.”

“He seduced you.”


“He didn’t. I went to him. I propositioned him.” There, it was out. She was the wicked one who’d come on to a man, offering him sex.

Veronica drew back, her chin dropping. “You?”

“What? You think I can’t seduce a guy? Thanks for your vote of confidence!” Tara jumped up from her chair, but Veronica clamped her hand over her forearm, stopping her.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean?”

“Sit down.”

Reluctantly, Tara sat back down.

Veronica brushed her hand through Tara’s hair, a kind, sisterly gesture. “God, you’re all grown up. I still look at you like my kid sister, but you’re an adult now.” She laughed. “And a vixen!”

“I’m no vixen!”

“Yes, you are. So tell me about this guy. He must be quite something for you to finally come out of your shell.”

Appeased by her sister’s warm smile and admiration in her gaze, Tara relaxed. “He’s wonderful. He’s sweet and kind. He really takes care of me. He listens to me. He’s so different from all the guys in our circle. He’s normal.”

“What’s his name?”

“Jay.” Tara felt her heart warm at the sound of his name.

“Just Jay?”

Tara shrugged.

“So, are you staying with him? Is that why Mom was trying to find out if I’d spoken to you?”

Tara nodded. “I’m staying on the boat with him.”

“A boat?”

“Yes, but it’s not his. His boss is letting him crash on the boat during the summer while Jay works on a renovation for him.”


“I’d rather not say.”

“You don’t trust me?”

“It’s not that. It’s just, I don’t want you to have to lie to Mom when she asks you where I am.”

Veronica sighed. “Fair enough.” She paused for a moment. “So what’s the plan?”


“You must have a plan.”

“I’m just taking it one day at a time. I want to get to know him better.”

“But you can’t just live like that. Sooner or later, Mom and Dad will cut off your funds to force you to come back.”

“For that I have a plan. I applied for a job. I haven’t heard back yet, but I’m pretty sure that I’ll get an interview. And once they see my portfolio, they’ll just have to hire me!”

At least Paul had been impressed when she’d sent him the portfolio to forward to Hannon Boats. And he’d been sure she’d hear back in a couple of days with details of an interview.

“And then I’ll be financially independent, and Mom and Dad can’t force me to do anything I don’t want to.”

“I hope it works out.” Veronica smiled. “And if it doesn’t, then you and I will figure out a way of getting Mom and Dad to accept whatever man you set your sights on. Even if that man doesn’t fit their view of a perfect husband.”


Jay couldn’t believe that he’d already spent six nights with Tara in his arms and still couldn’t get enough of her. It wasn’t just that sex with Tara was passionate and utterly satisfying, but he felt comfortable with her. When he came back to the boat after the day at the construction site, she welcomed him with such open joy that he wondered what it would be like to be greeted like this every day of his life.

They’d spent the last few days like a couple on their honeymoon, except that Jay had to keep up the pretense of working at the construction site, leaving each morning and coming back to the boat during the late afternoon. He conducted whatever business he needed to take care of for his company via an iPad and his cell phone in the house, knowing that he couldn’t talk openly on the boat while Tara was staying with him. He wasn’t ready to tell her who he was. He needed more time before he could broach the subject of his real identity with Tara. It was odd though, how close he felt to her, closer than he’d ever felt to Deborah, even though they’d dated much longer.

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