Her heart was racing, and suddenly she felt the heat of the sun more intensely. Or was it Paul’s heat she felt? In either case, she was burning up.

When one of his hands left her breast, she said, “You’re not done.”

His gaze met hers. “No, we’re not done, are we?”

Paul reached for the hand towel on the table and poured a little water onto it. She watched as he wiped his hands clean.

“What are you doing?”

He bent closer so their faces were only inches from each other. Her breasts were nearly touching the polo shirt he still wore.

“Holly, I know I said I wouldn’t do this, but that was before you invited me to touch your breasts. I know I should walk away right now and take a cold shower, but I don’t want to. That night when you were in my bed, I loved putting my mouth on you and licking you. And I’d love to do it again. I’m not asking you to sleep with me. I don’t want anything in return. All I want is your permission to lick your pussy and make you come.”

Holly’s pulse raced. Paul wanted to go down on her? Despite the fact that he knew what she was? “You want to lick me?”

“Yes, I want to lick and suck you until you climax. And I want to touch your beautiful pussy with my hands and feel you grip my finger when you come. May I do that, Holly, please? Just this once, so I can refresh my memory of what it was like that night. So that tonight I can lie in my bed and think of you.”

Had he thought of her that night in his condo in New York? Had he imagined her touching him when he’d stroked himself to completion?

“And when you’re in your bed tonight, will you touch your cock and make yourself come while you think of this?” The thought of it made her heart beat even faster.


“Yes,” he groaned.

“Then let me feel your lips on me, your tongue on my pussy, and your finger inside me,” she whispered against his lips.

“Thank you.” He captured her lips and kissed her hard.

Too soon, Paul released her lips and moved downward. He reached for the strings on the side of her bikini bottoms and undid them, peeling the fabric away and laying her bare. His hungry eyes roamed over her almost reverently. Then he spread her legs and moved into the space he’d created for himself.

“Put your legs over my shoulders.”

Holly followed his command without hesitation. A moment later his head dipped to her sex and every last sane thought fled her brain, leaving her at the mercy of her body’s desires.

His hot breath blew against her drenched folds. An even hotter tongue followed, lapping against her flesh. His groan reverberated against her and made her shiver with pleasure.

Suddenly cool air wafted against her burning flesh and she lifted her head. Paul was staring straight at her. “Tell me you like this as much as I do,” he demanded, his eyes blazing with passion.

“More,” she admitted. “I like it more.”

“Impossible,” he claimed and dove back between her legs, continuing what he’d interrupted.

His hand caressed the inside of her thighs and stroked higher up, spreading her wider. Then his fingers touched her aroused flesh and stroked along her weeping cleft, while his tongue moved higher up and licked over her clit.

She almost lifted off the lounge chair, but Paul pressed her down and growled almost like a beast. “I’m not done,” he said.

Remembering how much he liked to hear his name called out while he pleasured her, she combed her hands through his thick hair and murmured, “Paul, oh Paul.” Holly caressed his nape and sensed him shiver under her touch. “So good.”

His tongue was relentless, but not just that. He was also talented, varying his caresses to adjust to her body’s rhythm, as if his purpose truly was to give her pleasure, without concern for his own. No man had ever been so selfless.

“Need to feel you inside,” she whispered.

Another groan bounced against her sensitive flesh, then one finger probed at her entrance. Slowly, he parted her folds with it, and even more slowly, he slid his finger into her. Instinctively her muscles clamped around him, holding him there so he couldn’t escape. “Oh yes!”

Paul withdrew his finger, then thrust back inside while he sucked her clit between his lips and swiped his tongue over it. But it wasn’t enough. She needed to be filled.

“Paul! I need more. Another finger. Please,” she begged, unable to stop herself.

He lifted his head. His lips glistened with her juices, and his eyes were dark with lust. “I’ll give you as many fingers as you can take, baby. And then I’ll finger-fuck you as hard and as long as you want.”

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