Mira sighed. “No, Bella, I promised you I would not tell anyone.”

“But you will not help me.”

“No, in good conscience, I cannot.”

Bella’s temper broke, and she leapt from the settee. “I should have known you would not help me, even though I hardly asked you to do a thing. You have always been envious of me. Always. Because I have a mother and because I am beautiful and because I have prospects while you only have your books. And now I have a dashing man, who is handsome and witty and wonderful, and you are stuck with a scarred, crippled…loutish…murderer!”

Her face scarlet and her hands clenched at her sides, Bella continued in a voice seething with anger. “Well, you have left me with no choice. I shall marry Jeremy with or without your help. And if Ashfield will not provide Jeremy with a generous allowance, I will simply have to see that Ashfield is finally arrested and tried in the House of Lords…and then he will hang, and Jeremy will inherit.”

Mira grew chilled as the blood drained from her face. But Bella was not done.

“You think I am just a silly twit, but I know how the world goes on, and I have friends. If I have to, I will see Lord Ashfield swing. If I do not have any money to give to Maman and Papa, I am sure I can convince one of them to swear out an information against Ashfield. Better to risk Blackwell’s wrath than go to debtor’s prison. And then you will once again be the poor relation, the penniless widow. And you will be at my mercy!”

Bella turned on her dainty heel and dashed from the room.

Mira was stunned.

There was little likelihood that Bella could make good on her threats, succeed in having Nicholas arrested and tried when Blackwell seemed bent on protecting him. Though perhaps when Blackwell died… If the memory of the murders had not faded too much. If Jeremy, out of anger over Olivia’s death and desire for the title, assisted Bella’s cause. Still, the prospect was remote, and Mira was sure that Bella would forget her threat as soon as she calmed down.

Bella’s fury was reason enough for alarm, though. She might now be so set in her decision to marry Jeremy that pride alone would force her to go through with the elopement, and, as troublesome as Bella had been, Mira had no desire to see her cousin make a foolish mistake with her life.


Olivia Linworth had thought it a great lark to elope at Midsummer, and look what had become of her.

With renewed resolve, Mira stood and began the process of dressing for dinner. She now had yet another reason to solve the murders posthaste, and she did not have the luxury of hiding in her bedchamber, sulking. For all she knew, Jeremy was the murderer, and Bella was planning to disappear with him.

If any progress was to be made with the investigation, Mira would have to brave another dinner with the Ellerbys.

Mira’s gaze settled on the empty chair across from her, the place set for Nicholas. He had not made an appearance yet. He probably would not. It made sense that he should stay away from Jeremy until the younger man’s temper had cooled, but Mira could not help feeling a bit abandoned.

Trying to ignore the Reverend’s latest bawdy tale, Mira turned to study her cousin. Bella sat across from Jeremy, gazing at him as though he were the most fascinating creature on earth. But every now and then, she would interrupt her mooning to shoot a narrow-eyed look of simmering fury at her mother. Mira wondered if there had perhaps been another confrontation over the suitability of Jeremy Ellerby as a husband. Whatever the reason, Bella’s emotions were obviously still running hot.

“Miss Fitzhenry.”

Lady Beatrix’s voice, though not overly loud, seemed to explode across the table, instantly silencing the Reverend.

Oh, please, not again, Mira thought.

Bracing herself for another scene, Mira leaned forward in an attitude of respectful attention. “Yes, my lady?”

“No, dear, the other Miss Fitzhenry.”

“Oh,” Mira said, leaning back in puzzlement and admitted relief.

With one final quick glance at Lord Jeremy, Bella turned to the woman she would have as mother-in-law.

“Miss Fitzhenry, your mother tells me that your first Season has been a rousing success. That you have secured several suitors.”

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