"Why don't you get rid of that pile of junk?"

"I can't afford to. Anyway, it has sentimental value. It belonged to Dad."

"Was it the first vehicle he owned?" the voice was sarcastic.

She laughed. "Well, he did buy it new. He was so proud of it."

"I understand. Say no more. Just drive mine for a while. I graduate next week and I'm going to take a week off and come see you - if you don't mind. Then I have to come back here and I'll be out of the country for about three weeks on a sales trip - the last one."

Next week? They could settle things then. She sighed. "I don't mind, but . . ."

"Don't worry. I'll stay with Katie or get a room. I just wanted to clear it with you first." Another pause. "I miss you, Carmen."

"I miss you, too. It's been so long. You should see Penny and Snowflake."

"Snowflake must be the little white doe you decided to keep. I guess that would make Penny Tessa's kid."

She sighed again. "Yes, but I don't think Penny is going to be a very good milk goat. She just doesn't have the temperament for it. She's always into something and the other day she was on the porch. I'm afraid she jumped the fence."


"Yeah, well maybe she'll grow out of it. How's Ed?"

"As sweet as ever. He gets along great with the goats. He's with them most of the time. I take him for a ride up the road every day, though. We're best friends, now."

"Great. He can tell me all your secrets."

If Ed could actually talk, she wouldn't be spending so much time pondering about Alex. It occurred to her to prompt Alex on the phone, but how would she broach the subject? Besides, it would be best to see his face when they talked. A week wasn't long.

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