Carmen was on her feet again, and jumped between them.

"Stop it. You're not going to fight in my barn."

This time Alex gently pushed her aside.

"Get back, Carmen, before you get hurt."

She staggered back, but she wasn't about to let them fight over her. She stepped in between them again, distracting Alex to the point that Josh came close to hitting him. Alex pushed her away again.

"Then get back before you get me hurt."

But before she could get out of the way, Josh bounced a blow off her shoulder. Wincing, she fell to the floor, turning pleading eyes on Josh.

He lowered his fists and shook his head.

"It looks like Carmen is the only one getting anything out of this."

He eyed Alex disdainfully. "I don't know what it is about you that inspires women to defend you, but I'm getting tired of talking to you about it."


Alex kneeled beside Carmen and felt her shoulder. "Does it hurt badly?"

She shook her head. "He barely hit me."

Alex glanced up at Josh coolly.

"I told you before. There's nothing going on between Lori and me."

Josh snorted. "Sure, like nothing was going on here."

Alex gave him a level look. "What goes on between Carmen and me is none of your business."

"It is if you hurt her."

Alex scowled at him.

"Touching, but don't you think your concern is a little belated?"

Josh shook a finger at Alex. "Listen, you little strutting Banty. Maybe the women are impressed by you, but I'm not. If you want Carmen, you'd better make your intentions honorable. If you toy with her and then run off, I'm going to be on you like ugly on a bear."

Alex stood, eyeing him coldly. "I'm getting tired of your threats and insinuations. If you're trying to pick a fight, have after it. I'm not running, and I don't need any woman to protect me."

Carmen stared from one of them to the other, unable to believe her ears and eyes. What had Josh caught Alex and Lori doing? And why was Josh worried about what might be happening between Alex and Lori, anyway? Josh was making fight sounds, but if he had wanted to fight Alex, nothing she could have done would have stopped him. So why was he holding back? Two things came to mind. He admired Alex for his courage - and he thought Alex might be telling the truth.

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