"It's Alex, isn't it?" When she glanced up questioningly, he shook his head. "I knew it when he walked into the hospital room last night. Your face never lit up that way for me. What's he got that I don't have?"

She gnawed on her lower lip and finally met his gaze. "I have no idea. Maybe nothing, but I need the time to be sure."

She might as well have punched him in the stomach. He winced visibly. "Well, that's trite."

It was her turn to flinch at the sting of his words. "I'm sorry, Josh. But when I get married, I intend to take my vows seriously. I don't want any unfinished business cropping up later."

In two long strides he was standing before her, gathering her into his arms and kissing her.

"I love you, Carmen. I always have. That ought to be worth something. Haven't I always been there for you?"

It was true. He was everything a woman could ask for. And yet, where was the excitement? She stretched as far as she could and laced her fingers behind his neck, pulling his mouth down to hers again. With all her heart, she tried to create the excitement she had felt when Alex kissed her. It had to be there, somewhere. But all she managed to do was arouse Josh. He lifted her by the waist and crushed her body against his, bruising her lips passionately. Her feet literally inches from the floor, she could do nothing but endure his onslaught. Finally he released her, and when her feet touched the floor again, she took a deep breath.

Apparently he mistook her breathless state as an indication of passion. He smiled down at her smugly.

"Think about that for a while."

She would - unfortunately.


He swung on one heel and left the barn, striding to his truck. Without looking back, he hopped into his truck and drove away. In that moment, she knew they would never be man and wife. Her only hope was to retain his friendship. The sadness she felt as his truck disappeared down the road was borne of fear. Fear that she was also loosing the only brother she had ever known.

"Well, wasn't that a touching scene?" The voice was caustic.

She caught her breath, squinting into the shadows. "Alex?" It sounded like his voice, but she had never heard that tone.

He moved out of the shadows. "No wonder he keeps hanging around. You must be proud. Keeping both of us on the string like that."

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