What she wouldn't have given to see Alex walk into the barn at that moment. It was a contradictory thought - and totally unfair to Josh. If he had known what was happening, Josh would have unselfishly given his instant support. In fact, he had always been there for them.

"Here, Katie. You get Tessa some warm water. I'll get that."

They quickly switched places and Carmen checked the kid. Not much time left. She rearranged the fuel and added some pine needles and leaves. Striking a match, she dropped it into the middle and gently blew on the flame. In a few minutes the kindling was burning. She shut the stove door and picked up the kid. Tucking it under her coat, she limped to the cabinet and drug out a few towels. She rubbed the kid vigorously until it bleated a complaint. The stove was beginning to warm so she lay the kid down in front of it on some towels. Now Tessa needed a rub down.

Katie met her at the door. "She's shivering and she's really upset. Maybe you should put the kid with her."

Carmen nodded. "As soon as I dry her off. Did you put some more hay in her stall?"

Katie shook her head. "No but . . ."

"Never mind," Carmen moaned. "Just get the milking started. You can do that, can't you?"

Katie stared at her. "Of course." Tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I never know what you want to do next."

Carmen sighed. "It's all right. I didn't mean to be such a grump."

Katie smiled sympathetically. "You're hurting pretty bad, aren't you? You'd better go in and get out of those wet clothes. Your lips are blue and your teeth are chattering. I'll take care of the milking."


"As soon as I dry Tessa off and get the kid in here, I'll go in and change. Then I'll come back out and we'll finish the milking."

It was brave talk. She wasn't sure she could even make it to the house. She rubbed Tessa down and carried the kid back to her. When Carmen left the barn, the kid was nursing.

She managed to get to the house without falling more than five times. Her clothes were soaking wet and her backside was numb with cold. She lit the stove in the house and went to the bedroom for some dry clothes. The last thing she remembered was sitting down on the bed to tug her wet jeans off her bare feet.

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