His hands dropped to her waist and he pulled her close. This time there was nothing timid about his kiss. His lips were warm and inviting and the hair on the back of his neck was silky soft. Her heart pounded wildly as she pressed closer. Inside his leather jacket it was warm and cozy - falsely secure.

That was when the logical part of her brain jerked her back to reality. This was supposed to be a good-bye kiss, not an invitation. She pushed away from him and drug in deeply of the cold night air. Her laugh sounded nervous.

"Now that was a good bye kiss."

He chuckled softly. "More like hello." He picked up his suitcase. "Well, I hate to leave, but I'd better get going or I'll miss my plane."

She watched from the porch as he strode to his car. There, he tossed his suitcase in the back and dug in his pockets for the keys. In the glow of the dome light he glanced up at her. Slowly and deliberately he threw her a kiss.

It was silly - and romantic. Something Josh would have considered both childish and demeaning. Yet somehow Alex pulled it off without appearing either.

Unsure how to respond, she merely stood there, hands at her side. He chuckled softly and climbed into the car. The dome light went off as he shut the door. The engine turned over once and then headlights blinded her until he turned the car around. She watched his tail lights disappear down the road and wondered if she would ever see him again. If the kiss was any indication, yes. But did he kiss every girl that way? Probably so.

She sighed and turned to the house. Not that it mattered. There were too many miles between them to make her secret desires anything more than a dream.

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