Alex cleared his throat. "Well, lets get this thing on the road. I'm about to starve to death. Everybody order what you want - my treat."

Josh shot a disgusted look at Alex. "I can take care of my own feed bill."

Alex smiled tolerantly. "Suit yourself."

Lori wrinkled her nose at Josh. "If you want to enjoy this evening, you'd better get that chip off your shoulder. It's been a long time since we all went out to eat together. Too long, don't you think?"

"Too long," Katie agreed with an elbow into Bills ribs.

"Yeah," Bill chimed in. "We've all been keeping our noses too close to the grindstone. A good way to get it knocked out of joint."

He was rewarded with an adoring smile from Katie and a chuckle from Josh. Lori and Alex both looked relieved. They made an attractive couple, both so sophisticated in appearance. By the end of the meal, it was obvious that they had hit it off well together.

It was past nine when Alex and Josh paid their bills, and the faint sound of thunder met them at the door. Katie begged Alex to let her drive, and he caved in. She could play him like a fiddle - or was Alex merely that amiable? In any case, Katie managed to get the car stuck less than a hundred yards from the gate. To her credit, the little car wasn't meant for rough country, but Katie let up on the accelerator when the car started to bog down.

"Keep it going," Alex warned her in a conversational tone, but it was already too late.

The little car slowed to a standstill, but Katie continued spinning the tires."


"Easy, now," Alex spoke gently, and reached for the door handle. "Let me give you a push."

Carmen slid out of the car, thankful she had thought to bring her boots and coat. As she followed, Alex glanced back at her.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to get Josh."

He shook his head. "No, I can handle it. The car isn't that heavy. You go ahead and get back in. No need in two people getting muddy."

"I'll help. No point in adding my weight to what you already have to push."

His teeth flashed pink in the red glow of the taillights. "Yeah, you must weigh all of fifty pounds."

She eyed his lean build. "Ninety-five, and you're no heavyweight, yourself."

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