Her mother sits on her bed, the springs protesting under the combined weight. Her scent floats out the window. Sick blood and lilac soap and sleep. “You okay, baby? You're not still sick from Tuesday?”

“No. I'm fine.” Her voice doesn't convince me or her mother. Ava rolls over in preparation to stand.

“No, don't get up. I'm going to bring you breakfast.”

“Are you sure you're up to that?” Ava's voice is wary. She has more concern for both her mother and I that I fear it will become too much for her. Claire and I agree, at least on that.

“Stop trying to mother me. That's my job. Get back into bed, young lady.” There's a light slapping sound, as if Claire hit Ava playfully on the shoulder.

“Yes, Ma'am.”

“Don't you dare Ma'am me.” I enjoy Claire. She is so much like Ava. Even though they do not look much alike. Except those green eyes. Mesmerizing.

“Fine, fine.” Ava always acquiesces to her mother's wishes. Almost always.

“Stay there until I come back.”

“Okay.” The door closes. “Peter?” Ava's voice floats out the window.

“I'm here.” I lean over the top of the window, letting myself into the room upside down. Ava raises her eyebrows at me. I stand up, wondering what she is thinking. Her face can be a puzzle sometimes.


“What is it?” She shakes her head, making her curls bounce around. They're all tangled together in one mass. I want to comb them out, but I doubt I will have time if her mother is coming back.

“Did you sleep well?” I ask this every morning. Partially to see if she remembers moving so close to me. Also to see if she will tell me the truth about her dreams.

“Meh.” She shrugs her shoulders and goes to the bathroom to wash her face. I go back on the roof to give her some privacy. She rarely asks for it, but I know when she needs time to do things she does not wish me involved in.

I know she is done when she starts humming to herself. It's Maroon 5 today.

“Are we going to rehash last night?” She straightens her t-shirt, not meeting my eyes. “I'm still a little mad at you. But I'm willing to forgive and forget.”

“I am sorry I made you upset. We will not speak of it if you do not want to.” Her shoulders relax a fraction.

“Good. I don't like fighting with you.”

“We were not fighting.”

“Fine, we were having a disagreement.” She gets her brush and snarls it through her hair. I move to take it from her and she lets me. “We're disagreeing about disagreeing. That's kind of ridiculous.” She giggles, making her hair shake just a little. I wrap a curl around my finger and let it go.

“I think we need to sit down like adults and talk about this. Make a compromise.”

“You are willing to compromise?” I am surprised. Ava does not compromise when she wants something.

She smirks. This is an expression I have not grasped the concept of for my own face. “Not really, but it sounds better when I say that.”

“Ava.” I have learned use of the sigh since I met her.

“No, we're not doing that. We're going to talk like rational adults. After my mom makes me pancakes.” She takes the brush back and flops on her bed. I let her, going to the book I'd left on the floor of her bedroom and stacking it on top of my finished pile.

“You're not going anywhere today, are you?” Her anxiety beats faster than her heart.

“No. I will stay close. Viktor will probably come to visit me in the woods. If you need me, say my name. I will hear.” I would hear her at least a few miles away.

“Good. I'll see you later then?” She looks over her shoulder at me. Her curls fall like tangled water.

“I will see you later. Enjoy the pancakes. I hope they are earth-shattering.” I think about leaving my shirt with her, as I have such a habit of losing them, but I might need it later. It is one of only two I posses.

“They probably will be, if my mother is making them.” I leave her brushing her hair, a tiny smile playing on her lips.

I stay on the roof until her mother comes up the stairs with a tray.

“Knock, knock.”

“Come in.” Ava adjusts herself on the bed, trying to get into the same position again.

“Did you move?”

“No. There was no moving, I swear.” Her lie clangs in my ears.

Claire hears it too. “I don't believe you.”

“I swear!” Claire sets the tray down with a clatter.

“I don't believe you!” She leaps on top of Ava, tickling her stomach. They both dissolve into laughter that rings as bright as bells. It's a clear sound that reaches out to me. Pulls me toward the room. But I cannot be a part of it. That kind of thing is not for me. Not anymore.

Ava and I have never done such things together. Even if we were to, I would not know how. I am grasping the art of sarcasm from her, but I am a slow learner when it comes to all things human. Ava is helping me find the threads, but they are tricky and hard to hold onto.

I fold my shirt and leave it on the roof. It might rain, but I can always find another shirt. I should start keeping some at Ava's house so I have spares. I let my wings unfurl and pause before letting my wings try and brush the sky.

The tug back to earth is strong, and I falter. Just for a moment. Then I gain altitude and climb higher, letting the wind brush away any resistance. I had not flown alone in a while. I kept the door to her emotions open. I needed that connection to make sure she was safe, but let everything else fall away, like water from the clouds. It starts to rain, the droplets streaking by me, racing each other to the ground. Always in such a hurry.

A sound makes me look down. Viktor is running toward the house in his noctalis form. I turn a lazy circle and dive toward the ground, picking up speed. Even if I hit the ground at full force, nothing will happen to me. The thrill of life is gone when you cannot die. At the last moment, I pull up and land on my feet, leaving two relatively large footprints in the ground.

“Nice landing,” he says, changing back into his human-looking form and putting on a pair of pants he had hidden under a tree.

“Thank you.”

“Are you well?”

“Yes.” Somewhere in the house, Ava laughs. The sound fills my ears.

“How was your trip to Florida?”

We walk toward the house. “Fine. Cal is searching for more information.” The details are irrelevant.

“Ivan is nearby.”

“I know.”

“He wants something.” Ava laughs again. Claire joins her.

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