“Maybe he could come over after dinner?” Dad puts his fork down. Great, now he's suspicious.

“Why don't you want him to come over to eat? I won't cook, we can order something.”

“No, it's not that.”

He folds his arms. “Then what is it?”

“Ava?” Mom's voice silences both of us.

“Claire, what are you doing up?” Dad rushes to grab hold of her, like she's going to fall.

“I was lonely.”

“Oh, Taylor.” He pulls her in for a hug, kissing the top of her head. I put away the cheesecake as they talk in low voices.

“Maybe we could watch a movie?”

“Whatever you want,” Dad says. Mom winks at me as he helps her into the living room. Well played, Mom. Well played.

I half-ass all of my homework as we watch My Cousin Vinny. Mom's snuggling with Dad and keeps laughing. It's nice to hear, even if it's weak. Dad laughs with her, but only after she does. Clearly, he's not watching the movie, and instead watching her. It's kinda sweet. And it makes me think of Peter. I hope he's okay. I feel along the thread that connects us. He's close, but not too close. I'd had enough space to remind me why I never wanted him to leave. Even when it was hard, I was better with him than without.


I get restless waiting for Peter, and as soon as I can, I kiss my parents goodnight and head up to bed. I know Peter's there, but it's still a relief when I open the door to find him standing in front of my window, wings fully spread. I want to run and throw my arms around him and have him tuck his wings around us, making a cocoon, but I don't.

Instead I say,

“My dad wants to invite you over for dinner.”


She closes the door and leans on it. “Don't worry, Mom distracted him, so I think he forgot about it, but you need to come over and formally meet him so he can pretend he's all concerned about my virtue and make sure you're not a psycho trying to steal his little girl.” I am always startled by Ava's unique way of putting something.

“But that's not important right now. Are you okay? I feel like we left on a weird note.” Her hands flutter, as if she wants to touch me and make sure I am fine.

“I am fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Ava gathers her nighttime clothes, turning her back so I can't see her pick out underwear.

“You're not lying to me, are you?” Her worry about rejecting me earlier speaks louder than her voice.

“I would not lie to you, Ava.” I attempt a smile, and she returns with her own. Warm relief floods through her as she goes to take a shower.

She continues to talk to me through the door. I have to speak loudly for her to hear, and she worries about her parents hearing, but she will not let me in the room while she is showering. I have never seen her naked body. I would like to, but not unless she wanted me to see it. And right now, it doesn't seem like she does.

I had not thought of having a physical relationship with Ava, at first. After we danced that one night, and after the Claiming, I feel differently. I did tell her I'd never been with anyone. I wasn't quite sure how it would work, even if we were to try.

“Are you going to see your friend tomorrow?”

“Yes.” I have not seen Cal in at least twenty years. It will also be the first time I have sought him out.

“Where does he live?”

“I don't know.” This is true. The last I knew he was in Canada.

“So how are you supposed to find him?”

“Viktor will help me.” He should be back tonight. Another one of Viktor's talents is finding people. I am not sure if it has to do with the bind with Di, but he has always been able to find me.

“What does Viktor have built in noctalis radar?”

“He is good at finding people.”

“But this guy is your friend and you don't know where he is?”

“No. We do not keep in touch.”

“I can imagine that. I hope you find him. It seems like shooting in the dark, but if you say so.” There is a pause as she rinses out her hair. “I'm sorry about today. I didn't mean to push you away. It's just a lot, sometimes.”

“Yes.” She is speaking of the Claiming. “You do not have to apologize.”

“I know you don't need me to, but I need to. Does that make sense?”

“It is a human thing, an apology.”

“Noctali don't apologize?”


“Huh.” The water runs as she thinks for a moment. I hear a sponge scrape across her skin. “Do noctali get jealous?” What made her think of that?


“Do you?”

“No.” I think about it for a moment. I sense the emotion coming from her. I feel it. This is what I do when I get a new emotion from her. I taste it, feel it. Try it on. It is not a good feeling. Yes, I have felt it before. But only since I've met her. I'm thinking about jealousy as she turns the water off.

“You don't get jealous?”

“Not until I met you.” I can feel her smiling. She likes that I am jealous.

A few minutes later, she comes out, wet hair dampening her shirt.

“I know I shouldn't feel good about the fact that you get jealous because of me, but I kinda do.” She flops on her bed and crinkles her nose at me. I fold my wings and settle to the floor by my trunk.

“I get jealous when I can't be with you. I am envious of anyone who gets to be with you.” I don't know why I tell her this, other than I know it's going to make her blush and she does. I like it when she blushes, even though it reminds me more about her blood.

I still want it. I was able to stop in the car, but I cannot stop now. Not when she is so warm and sleepy.

“Ah.” She clutches at her stomach, folding her body around it. She breathes deep, and I feel guilty for the second time today.

She gasps. Her pain slices through me, dulling some of the want. But still, I must have her blood to stop her pain. This time.

“Not again.” She turns her head. I instead take her hand, where a wide bracelet hides my previous feedings. I hate to use the same place, but I don't want more marks on her body. There are many more intimate places I could take it from, but I would do that to her.

“Please.” Her pain throbs like a heart. I bite softly into her wrist, clamping my lips around it so I don't miss a drop. The flavor hits me like lightning bolt. She'd talked about earth-shattering cheesecake once. This was earth-shattering blood. If I ended my existence at the exact moment, it would have been satisfying. I pull the blood from her veins, letting it burst in my mouth. Her moan of pain does not stop me. It barely reaches me. What does stop me is her hand on my head and her voice.

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