With a sigh, she closed her eyes as his soapy hands caressed her, easing the tensions of the day. Gradually, his hands moved lower, his touch turning from soothing to arousing.

His breath tickled her ear as he whispered, “Ever made love in a bathtub?”

“Not this one.” In most tubs, it would have been uncomfortable if not impossible, but her bathtub was like a small pool, easily big enough for two. Or, in this case, three.

“I’m game if you are,” he said, his voice husky.

She almost said yes, but then the baby moved, giving her the perfect excuse to say no without hurting Kyle’s feelings.

“We shouldn’t,” she said, looking up at him. “This far along in my pregnancy . . . the doctor said it wouldn’t be a good idea, given my history and all.”

Kyle wasn’t happy about her decision, but he accepted it with good grace.

“Would you hand me a towel, please?” she asked.

“Sure.” Rising, he helped her out of the tub. “Motherhood agrees with you,” he remarked, handing her a towel. “You’re even more beautiful than when we met.”

“I’m fat.”

“You’re not fat, you’re pregnant. And it looks good on you.”


Tears stung the backs of her eyes. Logan had said the same thing not so long ago. She dried off quickly, then wrapped herself in a fluffy white robe.

Coming up behind her, Kyle placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. “Kissing is still okay, isn’t it?”

“Of course.” She closed her eyes as he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her gently. She felt a rush of tenderness as his arms went around her, pulling her close. The baby chose that moment to give a lusty kick.

“I think the baby’s jealous,” Kyle remarked.

“Maybe you’re squishing him.”

Kyle grunted softly. “I’ll be glad when he gets here.”

She made a soft sound deep in her throat as he kissed her again, hard and quick, and then rained kisses along the curve of her neck. He nipped her earlobe, then nuzzled the sensitive skin behind her ear. She canted her head to the side, expecting the touch of fangs, and then felt a rush of disappointment. This wasn’t Logan. It was Kyle.

The thought sobered her. Drawing away, she folded her arms over her middle.

“Is anything wrong?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I’m just a little cold.”

“How about some hot chocolate to warm you up? I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of hungry. I make a mean tuna melt.”

She forced a smile. “Thanks. That sounds good.”

He laughed softly. “I never thought I’d be fixing you dinner.”

Mara lay awake long after Kyle had fallen asleep. She had never expected to see him again and now he was here, lying close beside her, his legs tangled with hers. He was excited about the baby. He wanted to marry her. She still couldn’t believe that he had found her, that he had been willing to become a vampire to be with her.

“Mrs. Kyle Bowden,” she murmured. “And family.” Lying beside him, with his breath warm upon her cheek, she told herself that she was happy, content. If she said it often enough, maybe she would begin to believe it. With each passing day, it was becoming easier to accept being human. Perhaps, in time, she would forget she had once been a vampire.

She placed her hand on her stomach and smiled as she felt the baby kick. Being a vampire had been wonderful, exciting, a high like nothing else, but this . . . being pregnant . . . could there be anything in all the world more amazing than creating a new life and feeling it move inside you? A new life with unlimited possibilities. She had been powerful as a vampire, but even that didn’t compare to this. As a vampire she had only been able to take away life, not create it.

She felt the sting of tears behind her eyes as she imagined holding her son in her arms, counting each tiny finger and toe, pressing a kiss to baby-soft skin. In Biblical times, women had considered it a curse if they couldn’t bear a child. Motherhood had been their reason for living. Elizabeth had borne a son to Zacharias in her old age and counted it a blessing. Rachel had envied her sister, Leah, because Rachel was barren. Modern women no longer felt it necessary to have children to prove their worth, but lying there, feeling her child move within her, Mara knew this was the reason for her existence.

Kyle stirred beside her, scattering her thoughts. He loved her. He would take care of her and the baby. Holding to that thought, she kissed his cheek.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, slipping his arm around her shoulders. “Is the baby keeping you awake?”

“No, I was just lying here, feeling happy and maternal.”

His arm tightened around her. “I intend to spend the rest of my life making you happy.”

The rest of his life, she mused. How long would that be? Forty years? Fifty? The blink of an eye in the life she had once known. She thrust the memory away, then frowned as a new thought occurred to her. “How did you find me?”

“I hired someone to look for you.”

“Oh? Who?”

“Who else?” he asked with a grin. “A vampire hunter.”

Heart pounding, Mara bolted upright and switched on the light. “A vampire hunter? You sent a vampire hunter after me?”

“Hey, take it easy. The contract was to find you, that’s all.”

“Are you mad? No hunter worth the name would keep a bargain like that. Who was it? What was his name?”

“Lou McDonald, and he’s a she.”

“McDonald!” Mara shook her head. Among the vampire community, Lou McDonald was a name to be reckoned with.

“She’s the one who gave me your doctor’s name. That’s how I found you.”

Mara blew out a sigh. Leaving Nevada had been the smartest thing she had ever done.

“I don’t know why you’re so upset,” Kyle said, sitting up. “She’s a vampire hunter, and you’re not a vampire anymore.”

“It doesn’t matter. Don’t you understand? If she finds me, she’ll kill me.” Mara wrapped her arms around her middle in a protective gesture that was as old as time. “And the baby, too.”

Mara bit down on her lower lip. She had bought this house using an alias. She carried no credit cards in her name, had no driver’s license. Her home phone was unlisted. There was no way for McDonald to find her. Finding Kyle was another matter. And if McDonald found Kyle . . .

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