"Brenna Flanagan DeLongpre," he intoned with a wave of his wand, "come to me. As I command, so mote it be."

Brenna had just checked the lock on the side door and was about to go back upstairs when something drew her toward the front door. She was reaching for the handle when Morgana leaped into the air and scratched her cheek.

With a jerk of her head, Brenna reeled backward. Morgana let out a long low warning hiss, her yellow eyes glowing, her tail twitching furiously.

Brenna stared at the cat, then at the door, surprised to find herself in the foyer.

Yet even as she tried to turn and go back to the staircase, she found herself opening the door, stepping out onto the porch, descending the steps.

Morgana trailed at her heels, meowing loudly.

Moving woodenly, Brenna walked down the driveway toward the gates, unable to resist. She knew, in the back of her mind, that she was under a spell, but try as she might, she couldn't shake it off.

She tried to call for Morgana, hoping her familiar could help her counter the spell, but words failed her.

And then she was at the gates, walking through them toward the three witches who waited for her on the sidewalk. She stared at Anthony Loken, wishing she could slap the smug smile from his face.

Moments later, she was in the backseat of his car. Glancing out the window, she saw Morgana pacing back and forth in front of the gates.

Brenna stared out the window, unable to move. All too soon, Loken pulled up in front of his house. At his command, she followed the warlock into his home.


A cold chill slithered down her spine as he shut the door behind her.

"So," Myra said, "show me the results."

Still smiling smugly, the warlock pulled a small knife from his pocket.

Brenna stared from one to the other. Loken had sent Serafina home, leaving Brenna at the mercy of the witch and the warlock who now stood on either side of her. Once again, she was bound hand and foot to the bed in Anthony Loken's house.

She glanced out the window. It was still hours until sunset, hours before Roshan would know she was missing. With a start, she remembered him telling her that he might not rise this night, that he might linger in the Dark Sleep to heal his wounds. There was a very real possibility that he would not rise until tomorrow night.

And by then, it might be too late.

She jerked as Loken made a shallow gash down the length of her left arm. She stared at the blood welling from the wound, felt a bubble of hysterical laughter rise in her throat as she watched the crimson drops fall onto the towel that Loken had spread beneath her arm so as not to stain his sheets. Too bad Roshan wasn't here, she thought morbidly. It was a shame to let all that blood go to waste.

Loken looked at Myra. "Watch now," he said, and taking a damp cloth he wiped the blood from Brenna's arm.

Both witches leaned forward, their eyes fixed on the shallow gash that, even now, was starting to close.

"Amazing!" Myra exclaimed as the wound knit together. "Simply amazing."

She looked at Loken. "You're sure the elixir is safe?"

"Yes, but only for witches," Loken said. "I've tried it on half a dozen mortals. They all died rather quickly."

"I never thought you'd actually do it," Myra said. "Forgive me for doubting you."

"Think of it," Loken said, his voice rising with excitement "Immortality will be ours. We'll never grow old, never be sick! Imagine what other powers it might impart!"

"Perhaps," Myra said. "But how do you know the effects last? What if they wear off after a time?"

Loken shrugged. "I know the exact ratio of vampire blood to dead blood." He patted his pocket. "I have enough left for one injection."

"Just one?" Myra 's eyes narrowed. "And who will be the one to make use of it?"

"Patience, woman," Loken said. "Just hear me out. The sun is high in the sky. The vampire is trapped in sleep. I'll go to his lair and drain him dry, and then I'll destroy him. We'll have enough blood to make a hundred vials, perhaps a thousand."

"Do you plan to share this with the coven?" Myra asked.

Loken's gaze slid away from Myra 's. "That, of course, is up to you."

Brenna's gaze darted from Loken to Myra and back again. She had to warn Roshan, but how? Were the wards set on the entrance to his lair stronger than the ones on the gates? If not, he would be easy prey for Loken and Myra.

"Cut her again," Myra said. "Deeper this time."

Staring at the other woman, Brenna shook her head vigorously from side to side, unable to believe her ears. She had thought Myra was her friend. How could she have been so wrong?

Myra returned Brenna's gaze. "Have you something you wish to say to me?" She made a freeing gesture with her hand. "Speak then."

"How can you do this?" Brenna asked.

"I'm sorry, my dear, truly."

Brenna bit down on her lower lip to keep from crying out as Loken made a deep gash in her right arm from her elbow to her wrist. She wanted to be strong. She wanted to be brave. But the pain was too great. She sobbed with pain and fear, her stomach churning as a river of bright red blood ran from the wound. What if it didn't heal this time? What if it did? How much blood could she safely lose? Already, the towel beneath her arm was soaked through.

Again, Loken wiped the blood away. "There! See!" he cried exultantly. "The wound is already starting to heal! Even without the promise of immortality, the elixir is worth its weight in gold. If it heals wounds, it will doubtless provide immunity to diseases, increase one's life span."

"But not yours."

Loken froze, all the color draining from his face as he stared at the gun that had appeared in Myra 's hand.

"What are you doing?" he asked hoarsely.

"You're too ambitious, Tony. There's no room in the coven for both of us any longer."

Loken held out one hand, his lips pulled back in a mockery of a smile. " Myra, what the hell are you talking about? We're in this together, remember. You and me."

"I've felt you breathing down my neck for months now. I know how badly you want to be the leader of our coven. I know how it galls you to take orders from a woman. I'm sure my future would be measured in days instead of years if this elixir of yours really works."

Loken shook his head. "No, Myra, you're wrong… "

She smiled. It was a look like death. "I'm never wrong, Tony. You should know that by now. Give me the vial in your pocket."

He took a step backward. " Myra, it doesn't have to be like this."

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