"Mayhap he will not wish to perform the ceremony."

"Not to worry," Roshan said, squeezing her hand. "Just name the day." He grinned at her. "Or should I say the night?"

"Would tomorrow night be too soon?"

"I don't think so. I'll call Father Lanzoni when we get home."

Brenna's heart swelled with excitement. Tomorrow night she would be Roshan's wife. Mrs. Roshan DeLongpre. "Oh! Will we not need someone to stand up with us to witness our marriage?"

Roshan grunted softly. "I suppose so."

"I have no friends in the city save for Myra at the bookstore. Would it be all right for me to ask her?"

"Sure, if that's what you want."

"Who will stand beside you?" Brenna asked.

"That's a good question. Perhaps Father Lanzoni knows of someone."

"Mrs. Brenna DeLongpre," she murmured. "It sounds pretty, does it not?"


"It sounds perfect," he said, drawing her into his arms. As always, she pressed herself against him, her face lifting for his kiss, her eyes shining with love and happiness.

He gazed down at her a moment, wondering at his good fortune in finding her. Had it been the hand of fate that made him chose Ancient History and Myths, Fact or Fiction from the shelf the night he had been thinking of destroying himself? Was it possible that he and Brenna were always meant to be together? Had Zerena cursed him with the Dark Trick so that he would be able to travel back in time to save Brenna from the flames?

He shook his head, amused by the turn of his thoughts.

"What are you smiling at?" Brenna asked.

"I was thinking about us," he said.

"That always makes me smile, too."

He laughed softly, his hands lightly kneading her shoulders and then, unable to wait any longer, he lowered his head and kissed her.

Sweet, he thought, sweeter than the wine of the gods. Sweeter man the barely remembered taste of his mother's plum jelly. He ran his tongue along Brenna's lower lip, savoring the taste, the softness, before plundering the sweetness within. Desire sparked between them and he cupped her bu**ocks in his hands, pressing her body closer to his.

She moaned softly, her tongue dueling with his. She ran her hands over his chest, down his arms, reveling in his strength, marveling that a man as strong and powerful as Roshan could be so tender, so very, very gentle. His strength excited her, made her feel small and helpless, but in a good way, because they both knew she wasn't helpless.

With a sigh of regret, Roshan put her away from him.

Brenna made a soft sound of protest deep in her throat. "Why did you stop?"

He shrugged sheepishly. "I don't know. It just seems wrong to ravish you the night before we're to be married."

She made a face at him. "But it was all right last night?"

"Indeed it was, but don't ask me why."

She smiled up at him. "I had no idea you were so gallant," she said, linking her arm with his. "I wonder what else I shall discover about you in the nights to come."

"I can't imagine," he muttered.

Walking back to the church, he couldn't help thinking that marriage to Brenna Flanagan was likely to be a great deal of fun, something that had been sorely missing in his life these past two hundred and eighty-six years.

Brenna arrived at the bookstore shortly after it opened the following morning.

Myra greeted her warmly. "You're early today." She tilted her head to one side. "You look as if you've swallowed a piece of the sun. Tell me, what has put that glow in your eyes?"

"I came to ask you a favor."

"Well, as long as it isn't illegal, consider it done."

Brenna bit down on her lip. Roshan had said the marriage wouldn't be recognized by the state.

"You're not planning a bank heist or anything are you?" Myra asked.

"No, I am getting married."

"Well, no wonder you're grinning like the Cheshire cat. Congratulations! Who's the lucky man?"

"His name is Roshan. I do not know anyone in this city and I… well, I need someone to stand up with me, and I was wondering, if you are not busy, if you would…?"

Myra took Brenna's hands in hers. "My dear, I'd love to."

"Oh, thank you."

"So, when's the happy occasion?"

"Tonight, at nine." She had found a note from Roshan on her bedside table this morning. In it, he had told her that he had spoken to Father Lanzoni and the priest had agreed to marry them that night.

"Tonight!" Myra exclaimed.

Brenna nodded. "I know it seems rather sudden but… " She felt herself blushing. "We did not want to wait any longer. I know I should have given you more notice, but"— she shrugged— "neither Roshan nor I have any family, and… "

"I quite understand," Myra said, patting Brenna's shoulder. "Young love and all, but my dear, that hardly gives me time to find a dress, let alone shoes! Sarafina," she called, "cover for me, won't you? I'm going shopping."

After giving Myra directions to the church and bidding her farewell, Brenna returned to the house. Too excited to sit still, she dusted the furniture, vacuumed the carpets, did a load of wash, put away the dishes in the dishwasher, and still she had hours to wait until sundown.

Finally, she sat down on the sofa and turned on the television, hoping to find a movie that would distract her. After flipping through the channels, she settled on a movie she had seen before. She knew the title now: Ladyhawke. There was something haunting about the story of a gallant knight and a woman who had been cursed by an evil clergyman.

Moments later, Morgana jumped up on the sofa, demanding her attention.

Brenna smiled at the cat as she scratched her ears. "Do you know that I am getting married tonight?" she murmured. "Think of it I will be Mrs. Roshan DeLongpre."

The mere idea made Brenna's heart skip a beat. Of course, it would mean some changes in her lifestyle. She would have to adjust her sleeping habits to his so that they could spend as much time as possible together, and after awhile she might get tired of eating all her meals alone. Maybe he would sit with her in the evening from time to time. But these were trivial matters.

Soon, she thought happily, soon she would be his wife.

Roshan woke with the sun's setting. His first breath carried Brenna's scent to his nostrils. His first thought was that before he slept again, she would be his, though in his mind, she was already his in every way that mattered. Mortal laws no longer had any sway over him, but the marriage was important to Brenna, and that made it important to him, as well.

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