"What happened to her?"

It was the one question he had hoped she would not ask, the one question he didn't want to answer. "I set her free."

"You killed her?"

Pain shadowed his eyes. "I brought her across. She was my responsibility."

Brenna stared at him, unblinking. Unbelieving. "How could you?"

"How could I not?"

She heard the anguish in his voice. "I am truly sorry, Roshan. That must have been very difficult for you."


"You said she found no joy in the hunt. Do you?" Her eyes were very wide and very green as she stared up at him, waiting for his answer.

He loosed a heavy sigh, wishing she were not quite so curious, that her questions did not touch upon areas he would rather not discuss, facets of being a vampire that he would rather she didn't know. But he couldn't lie to her.

"I am a predator," he said candidly. "We all enjoy the hunt."


"And killing?" She grasped the edge of the book in her lap, her knuckles white. "Do you enjoy that, as well?"

He stared back at her, wondering how best to answer such a question, wondering if the truth would drive her away. But he wanted no lies between them, not after last night.

"I've killed in the past," he replied quietly. "As a young vampire, it is very nearly impossible not to. The thrill of the hunt, the scent of fear rising from the prey, your own feeling of invincibility, it's a heady tiling, something you can't begin to understand unless you've experienced it for yourself. And when you catch your quarry, and his blood is running hot from the chase, it's hard to remember that the puny mortal in your grasp is more than prey, hard to remember that once you were as weak and human as the creature trembling in your grasp."

He looked down at her, his hunger rising at the images conjured by his words. Her scent filled his nostrils, reminding him of nights long ago, when it took more than a few sips to quench his thirst and ease the pain. But he had never killed any who were innocent or helpless, never preyed upon children, or those who were young and vulnerable.

He took a deep, calming breath, then moved to stand in front of her. "What the hell is this all about?"

She stared up at him. He looked very tall and forbidding standing there, his dark eyes focused on her face.

"Anthony Loken," she said. "He is writing a book about vampires."

"You were with him today?" He didn't need her to confirm it; he could smell the faint scent of the other man. He wondered that he hadn't noticed it before.

"I went to the bookstore, to look for a book about vampires. It was only when Myra told me I'd probably have better luck at the library that I remembered how many books you have here."

"And where did you meet Loken?"

"I did not 'meet' him. He arrived at the bookstore as I was leaving and insisted I have a cup of coffee with him."

"And you couldn't refuse?"

Her chin went up defiantly. "At the time, I did not wish to."

"Why is he writing about vampires?"

"He said they are fascinating creatures. He thinks that vampire blood might be a cure for some diseases, and that it might be a way to extend human life, or even conquer death."

"I see. And he wants to do this for the good of mankind?"

"That is what he said, but I do not think he cares about anyone else. I think he wants only to find a way to live forever. He said he is looking for a vampire to help him with his research. That was why he was at the Nocturne last night."

Remembering the young vampire in the club, Roshan swore softly, hoping the kid was smart enough to keep his identity a secret. Once made, most vampires seemed to know instinctively that it was to their best interests not to divulge their true nature. Of course, they also knew enough to stay out of another vampire's territory. Had Roshan been alone last night, he would have invited the young vampire to leave the city or face the consequences.

Brenna looked at him a moment, then her eyes widened. "Do you think Loken knows about the other vampire? Do you think he wants to use him for some kind of research?"

"He was the only other vampire in the place."

"Loken asked me about you," she said, looking worried. "Do you think he knows what you are?"


"We must warn the other vampire," Brenna said earnestly, "before it is too late."

"It might already be too late."

"Then we must go to the Nocturne now, tonight." She rose, the book in her lap falling to the floor. "Hurry!"

There were only a few other customers at the Nocturne when they arrived. One couple sat at the bar talking to the bartender, another couple sat at one of the tables, intent only on each other.

The young vampire sat at a booth in the far corner. His hair was dark brown, as were his eyes. His lips were thin, his nose was crooked. He was perhaps medium height, with the lean physique of a runner. He held a drink cradled in his hands. A sniff told Roshan it wasn't wine.

The young vampire sensed the presence of another as soon as they entered the club. He looked up, his eyes narrowing as he focused on Roshan. Lifting his glass, he took a long swallow, regarding Roshan over the rim.

Roshan slid into the booth across from the young vampire. Brenna sat beside Roshan, her hands folded in her lap.

"What do you want?" the young vampire asked sullenly, his gaze darting from Roshan to Brenna and back again.

"I might ask you the same question," Roshan replied quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"This is my city. What are you doing here?"

"Hey, man, I didn't know you were here."

"Now you know. Who are you?"

"Jimmy Dugan."

"Where are you from?"

"I was born in Florida. That's where I was made."

"Who brought you across?"


Roshan grunted softly. He had never met Mara, but her name was legendary among vampires. Had their kind a queen, Mara would have worn the crown. "Why are you here?"

Dugan stared into his glass. "I wanted to get as far away from home as I could."

"How long have you been one of us?"

"Just a few months."

Roshan nodded. "Do you know a man named Loken?"

Dugan looked up. "Sure, I met him here last night. Why?"

"Don't trust him," Roshan said bluntly. "And get out of my city."

"Wait! I'm supposed to meet him here later tonight."

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