Feeling her cheeks grow hot, she quickly treated his other leg, then the skin of his forearms and his hands.

"Is that not better?" she asked, not meeting his eyes.

Roshan nodded. "Thank you."

"You… you… are welcome." She was shaking now, overcome by the realization of how close she had come to death. But for this man, she would be dead now.

"Hey," he said, drawing her into his arms. "You're all right. It's over."

She looked up at him, her body trembling uncontrollably. "You… you… saved my… my life. And Morgana's. I… thank you."

He gave her a squeeze. "Happy to help," he said lightly. But he knew he would never forget the sight of Brenna being bound to that stake, the flames licking at her ankles, the look of terror in her eyes.

He stared past her, wondering what his next move should be. He had done what he came here to do. Brenna was safe, at least for now. For a moment, he contemplated going to see his family. Tonight was the night he had been born. If he went to his father's house, would he see himself as a newborn child? Tempted as he was to go, it didn't seem wise. He looked at Brenna, wondering what the book Ancient Myths and Legends would say about her, now that he had changed the course of her life.

"All we need now," he remarked, "is a place for you to spend the night."

She wriggled out of his arms. "I could stay with John Linder."

"No." He dismissed the idea out of hand. "Is there anywhere else you could go?"


But even as he asked the question, he knew he wouldn't trust anyone else to look after her. So, where could he take her where they would both be safe?

He thought about it for a moment, but there was really only one choice. "I'll take you to my place," he said, wondering if he could transport both of them into the future. "I suppose you want to take that cat."

"Yes." Brenna scooped Morgana into her arms. "Is your house nearby?"

"Not nearly close enough," he muttered.

She gasped when he wrapped her in his embrace once more. "What are you doing?"

"Taking you to my place, I hope."

"But… "

"Be still, girl, I need to concentrate."

Closing his eyes, he pictured his house as it had looked in the moonlight the night he had left. He focused all his energy on the house and the yard and his desire to be there, and all the while he imagined himself being propelled forward through time and space, each breath carrying him closer to home, closer to the safety of his lair.

Once again he felt himself moving through a long black tunnel, going forward in time, spinning through each century, watching humanity's achievements and failures as mankind endeavored to learn more about the world in which they lived and the people who shared it.

As he had before, he felt an abrupt cessation of movement, followed by a rush of dizziness.

When he opened his eyes, he was standing in the front yard of his residence. Brenna was clinging to him, her eyes closed, her heart pounding. The cat opened its eyes and hissed at him, then bounded out of Brenna's grasp.


Slowly, she opened her eyes. Slowly, she looked around. "What happened? Where are we? I saw things… " She shook her head, her eyes filled with confusion and doubt.

"Welcome to the future, Brenna Flanagan."

She stared at him in disbelief, and then she fainted.

With a shake of his head, Roshan carried her up the porch steps, the cat trailing at his heels, hissing all the while.

A thought opened the carved front door and he carried Brenna into the house, up the winding staircase, and down the hallway to the only bedroom that was furnished. It was a large room, with a marble fireplace in one corner. There were windows on three sides. They were covered with heavy dark blue draperies. The bed was a huge old four-poster covered with a patchwork quilt in shades of blue and brown and gray. He kept his T-shirts, socks, and briefs in the dresser across from the bed; his pants, shirts, and coats hung in the closet; his shoes were on the floor. A sitting room adjoined the bedroom. The bathroom was accessible from the hallway or the bedroom.

Turning back the covers on the bed, he lowered Brenna onto the mattress.

Meowing loudly, Morgana jumped up on the bed, circled twice, and curled up beside her mistress, her unblinking gaze focused on Roshan, a low growl rumbling in her throat.

Roshan lifted one brow as he scowled at the cat. You could fool people, but you couldn't fool animals. They knew him for what he was.

Brenna woke a moment later, her eyes wide and a little scared as she glanced around the room, noting the, windows and the window seat, the high ceilings, the striped paper on the walls.

"Where am I?"

"My bedroom."

She glanced around the room again. She could have put her whole cottage inside and had space left over.

And then his words sank in. "Your bedroom!" she exclaimed. She was out of the bed and headed for the door before she finished speaking.

She skidded to a halt, a wordless cry erupting from her lips when she reached the door and found Roshan standing there, his arms folded over his chest.

"Calm down, Brenna."

She backed away from him and kept backing up until she bumped against the edge of the bed. "Who are you?"

"I mean you no harm."

"Who are you?" she repeated.

He took a step toward her, one hand outstretched.

Fear for her life made her reckless. She wasn't certain her magick would be effective when she felt so panicky. Hurried spells had backfired on her in the past, but it was a risk she was willing to take. Summoning her fear and the anger generated by it, Brenna pointed her finger in Roshan's direction, and muttered a hurried incantation.

Morgana hissed, the hairs raising along her back.

Roshan swore a vile oath as Brenna's spell slammed into him, driving him backward. He grunted as his shoulder struck the doorjamb. Her power sizzled over his skin, momentarily holding him in place. And then he was striding toward her again.

Brenna gasped. Any mortal man would have been rendered unconscious by her incantation. Before she could call forth the power necessary to try again, he was on her.

He glared down at her, his hands imprisoning her arms at her sides.

"Don't do that again." He bit off each word.

"Let me go."

He shook her until her teeth rattled. "Dammit, woman, I'm not going to hurt you."

She glanced pointedly at his hands gripping her arms, his fingers digging into her flesh.

He relaxed his hold ever so slightly but he didn't let her go.

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